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MS Polls - Polls Plugin for GetSimple CMS - Printable Version

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MS Polls - Polls Plugin for GetSimple CMS - must-style - 2021-09-29

New plugin for CMS GetSimple "MS Polls" allows you to add polls to the pages of your site.
  • Create multiple and single option polls
  • Adding and removing answer choices
  • Placing different polls on one page in any number
  • Loading poll options and voting with Ajax
  • Setting the survey period (including no end date)
  • Adding and loading survey styles (according to a ready-made template) through the admin panel
  • Unloaded style preview in the admin panel
  • The ability to post a survey on any sites using an iFrame (by analogy with Vkontakte)
  • Early completion of polls (blocking of voting)
  • Ability to change the type of current survey (multiple or single option)
  • Accounting for the IP of the user who left the vote
  • Attention! The jQuery library is required!

"MS Polls" v.1.1

[Image: ms_polls_5.png]
[Image: ms_polls_1.png]
[Image: ms_polls_2.png]

RE: MS Polls - Polls Plugin for GetSimple CMS - Felix - 2021-09-30

Here is the ms polls english translation:
What do you guys think ?

RE: MS Polls - Polls Plugin for GetSimple CMS - homershines - 2021-10-24

(2021-09-30, 19:08:51)Felix Wrote: Here is the ms polls english translation:
What do you guys think ?

Looks very interesting.
I think I can use this.
However, can't actually register to make a purchase.
Probably lost in translation or I'm using wrong password.

Any ideas?

RE: MS Polls - Polls Plugin for GetSimple CMS - must-style - 2022-01-20

Hi! If you are unable to enter the site or purchase a product (, please contact me by e-mail:
We will definitely resolve this issue!

RE: MS Polls - Polls Plugin for GetSimple CMS - Felix - 2022-01-21

I did not find the must-style theme in the get-simple repository

RE: MS Polls - Polls Plugin for GetSimple CMS - must-style - 2022-01-23

(2022-01-21, 01:45:42)Felix Wrote: I did not find the must-style theme in the get-simple repository

If you want your admin panel to look like on the site then you need to install the MSadmin plugin