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Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Printable Version

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RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-14

(2022-12-14, 03:52:56)multicolor Wrote:
(2022-12-12, 13:44:16)Oleg06 Wrote:
(2022-12-12, 04:53:10)multicolor Wrote:
(2022-12-11, 20:13:56)Oleg06 Wrote: There are errors in the Chrome browser developer tools.
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '<' (at edit.php?id=index:324:1)   edit.php?id=index:324
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener') at edit.php?id=index:666:49   edit.php?id=index:666
i18n plugin included
check website source on this line and write what you see on 324, what info?

<br />
<b>Deprecated</b>:  trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in <b>C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_navigation\editextras.php</b> on line <b>11</b><br />

you can download zip:

Great, now everything is as it should be.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - vanfruniken - 2022-12-15

Hi, have mostly been able to get my GS site compatible with php 8.x. I am so grateful to the people who made the transition to php8 possible, with patches and, foremost, updated plugins.

One strange behavior that keeps popping up is that php code in components keeps being changed "\n" to "n" when saving components), omitting the backslash in text strings that contain "\n". I may have seen something similar with "\t". A "\" becomes ""; "\n" becomes "n", "\t" becomes "t".
Certain components now seem to have garbled nested quotes, probably because they were first entered with a leading backslash escape character as " \ ' " (spaces added for readability), which becomes " ' ".
Is this behavior caused by php8 having become more strict about backslash as an escape character in strings?
Would an addslashes(.) help in the code that is supposed to save the component?
Maybe I just didn't update one of the /admin/ patches properly.
I experimented trying a workaround using \ to represent a backslash, but haven't been successful. I suppose this (cumbersome) technique defies the entire php's escaping technique for backslashes and single quotes in strings.
Has anyone experienced something similar?

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - strasidlo - 2022-12-15

To vanfruniken:
that's easy help. In the admin/theme-edit.php file, find the section
PHP Code:
# save the modified template file
$SavedFile $_POST['edited_file'];
// $FileContents = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_POST['content']) : $_POST['content'];
$FileContents stripslashes($_POST['content']); 
and change the last line to
PHP Code:
$FileContents $_POST['content']; 
Well, that's all.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - vanfruniken - 2022-12-15

First of all, my apology for not noticing (and mentioning) that the problem with slashes, used as escape characters, disappearing upon saving component edits (as in: " \ n " -> " n " (spaces added for correct rendering)), also occurs in my patched site under php 7.4.x.
Therefore, it must be caused by the patches itself (maybe in /admin/components.php), not directly by changed php8 behavior; or in the action 'component-save'.

To strasidlo: (thanks for your comment: )
...easy... and change the last line to
$FileContents = $_POST['content'];

Yeah, that might help for the theme, but it didn't for components editing. I am now looking for inappropriate use of stripslashes, but (not being a (php | getsimple) guru) any suggestions are still welcome.
Maybe line 109 in /admin/components.php/ with "stripslashes($component->value)" is at fault.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - islander - 2022-12-15

Do you know what patch are you using?
The update to "/admin/components.php" in the last two is minimal, and should have no effect on that.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - vanfruniken - 2022-12-16

(2022-12-15, 19:06:31)islander Wrote: Do you know what patch are you using?
The update to "/admin/components.php" in the last two is minimal, and should have no effect on that.

Well, a bare GSCE distribution by multicolor seems to delete backslashes in components as well. I suspected the i18n plugin stuff to be the culprit, but apparently not. Both under 7.4 and  8.08. I am using MAMP v6.0.6.
PHP Code:
echo "'-";echo "\-";  echo "\'-"; echo "\\-"
gets changed to
PHP Code:
echo "'-";echo "-";  echo "'-"; echo "\-"
after saving components, and this shows up while still being in the component editor. 
Weird. Hope anyone can reproduce this. Isn't this code supposed to remain executable (invariant over changes)?

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - multicolor - 2022-12-16

thanks, i check this.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-17

I checked the I18N Search plugin. Got three errors.
Deprecated:  htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\configure.php on line 117<br />

Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 84

Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 162

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - islander - 2022-12-17

(2022-12-17, 15:47:11)Oleg06 Wrote: I checked the I18N Search plugin. Got three errors.
Deprecated:  htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\configure.php on line 117<br />

Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 84

Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 162

PHP 8.1 deprecates these calls, it does not make them errors. The purpose of deprecation is to give authors advance notice to fix their code, so you and the authors of libraries you use have until PHP 9.0 comes out to fix things.
These should be easy to update and will be added to the growing list, unless Shawn updates these first.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-17

(2022-12-17, 19:27:26)islander Wrote:
(2022-12-17, 15:47:11)Oleg06 Wrote: I checked the I18N Search plugin. Got three errors.
Deprecated:  htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\configure.php on line 117<br />

Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 84

Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 162

PHP 8.1 deprecates these calls, it does not make them errors. The purpose of deprecation is to give authors advance notice to fix their code, so you and the authors of libraries you use have until PHP 9.0 comes out to fix things.
These should be easy to update and will be added to the growing list, unless Shawn updates these first.

Agree, it doesn't look good. Is there any way to fix this?

[Image: tags3.jpg]

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - islander - 2022-12-17

You could try adding something like:
PHP Code:
$errorlevel=error_reporting($errorlevel & ~E_DEPRECATED); 
PHP Code:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED); 

to your "php.ini"

or possibly:
PHP Code:
php_flag display_errors Off 

in ".htaccess"

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - multicolor - 2022-12-17

(2022-12-17, 15:47:11)Oleg06 Wrote: I checked the I18N Search plugin. Got three errors.
Deprecated:  htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\configure.php on line 117<br />

Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 84

Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 162
no problem, i check this once again - i hope before christmas. Remember, we do it for free and our time is no bubble gumSmile

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-18

(2022-12-17, 23:34:05)multicolor Wrote:
(2022-12-17, 15:47:11)Oleg06 Wrote: I checked the I18N Search plugin. Got three errors.
Deprecated:  htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\configure.php on line 117<br />

Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 84

Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 162
no problem, i check this once again - i hope before christmas. Remember, we do it for free and our time is no bubble gumSmile

I just decided to get involved in the GetSimple php8 transition, I will test plugins and point out errors. More I can hardly be of any help, I'm not a programmer.

Google translation.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-20

plugin I18N Search

line 84
if (trim($headerText) != '') {
replaced by
if (trim($headerText ?? '')) {

line 162
<div class="search-entry-date"><?php echo strftime($dateFormat, $item->pubDate); ?></div>
replaced by
<div class="search-entry-date"><?php echo date($dateFormat, $item->pubDate); ?></div>


line 117
<tr><td><?php i18n('i18n_search/TRANSLITERATION'); ?></td><td><textarea name="transliteration" style="width:5em; height:100px;" class="text"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$params['transliteration']); ?></textarea></td><td></td></tr>
replaced by
<tr><td><?php i18n('i18n_search/TRANSLITERATION'); ?></td><td><textarea name="transliteration" style="width:5em; height:100px;" class="text"><?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$params['transliteration']); ?></textarea></td><td></td></tr>

and as if everything works and the errors have disappeared

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - islander - 2022-12-20

(2022-12-20, 06:04:55)Oleg06 Wrote: plugin I18N Search

and as if everything works and the errors have disappeared

And you said you weren't a programmer ? 
We will add this fixes along with some other updates and post it shortly.
Thanks for the help Oleg! Much appreciated.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-21

(2022-12-10, 22:21:35)linden Wrote: Would anyone be able to update I18N Special Pages to support PHP 8?

When trying to save pages I get these errors.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc()

Also want to thank everyone for keeping this cms and plugins alive.

I think I managed to fix this plugin. Anyway, the errors are gone and it works. Since I had to edit a lot of lines, I am posting the entire code of the conf_edit.php file.


  class I18nSpecialPagesEditor {
   public static function stripSlashes() {
      //if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) $_GET[$key] = stripslashes($value);
        foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) $_POST[$key] = stripslashes($value);
    public static function validate() {
      $msgs = array();
      if (!@$_POST['post-title']) {
        $msgs[] = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/ERR_EMPTY_TITLE');
      } else if (!@$_POST['post-name']) {
        $_POST['post-name'] = clean_url(to7bit(@$_POST['post-title'], 'UTF-8'));
      if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$/', @$_POST['post-name'])) {
        $msgs[] = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/ERR_INVALID_NAME');
      } else if ($_POST['post-name'] != @$_GET['edit'] && file_exists(GSDATAOTHERPATH.'i18n_special_'.$_POST['post-name'].'.xml')) {
        $msgs[] = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/ERR_NAME_EXISTS');
      if (@$_POST['post-menu'] && $_POST['post-menu'] != '0' && !@$_POST['post-parent']) {
        $msgs[] = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/ERR_MISSING_PARENT');
      $stdfields = array('pubDate','title','url','meta','metad','menu','menuStatus','menuOrder',
      $emptyname = false;
      $emptylabel = false;
      $invalidname = false;
      $names = array();
      for ($i=0; isset($_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name']); $i++) {
        if (!$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name'] && !$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_label']) continue;
        if (!$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name']) {
          $emptyname = true;
        } else if (in_array($_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name'], $stdfields)) {
          $names[] = $_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name'];
        } else if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/', $_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name'])) {
          $invalidname = true;
        if (!$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_label']) {
          $emptylabel = true;
      if ($emptyname) {
        $msgs[] = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/ERR_EMPTY_FIELD_NAME');
      if ($invalidname) {
        $msgs[] = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/ERR_INVALID_FIELD_NAME');
      if ($names) {
        $msgs[] = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/ERR_RESERVED_FIELD_NAMES').' '.implode(', ', $names);
      if ($emptylabel) {
        $msgs[] = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/ERR_EMPTY_FIELD_LABEL');
      return implode("<br />", $msgs);
    public static function save($oldname) {
      if ($oldname && file_exists(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'i18n_special_' . $oldname . '.xml')) {
        $olddata = getXML(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'i18n_special_' . $oldname . '.xml');
        $oldslug = (string) $olddata->slug;
        if (!@copy(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'i18n_special_' . $oldname . '.xml', GSBACKUPSPATH . 'other/i18n_special_' . $oldname . '.xml')) return false;
        if (!@unlink(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'i18n_special_' . $oldname . '.xml')) return false;
      $success = self::write(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'i18n_special_' . $_POST['post-name'] . '.xml');
      $dir_handle = @opendir(GSDATAPAGESPATH) or die("Unable to open pages directory");
      if ($oldname && $olddata) {
        I18nSpecialPagesBackend::updatePages($oldname, $_POST['post-name'], $_POST['post-slug'] && $oldslug != $_POST['post-slug']);
      return $success;
    public static function write($file) {
           $data = @new SimpleXMLExtended('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><specialpage></specialpage>');
      $data->addChild('name', $_POST['post-name']);
      $data->addChild('parent', $_POST['post-parent']);
      $data->addChild('slug', $_POST['post-slug']);
      $data->addChild('menu', $_POST['post-menu']);
      $data->addChild('headercomponent', $_POST['post-headercomponent']);
      foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        if (substr($key,0,18) == 'post-showcomponent' || substr($key,0,20) == 'post-searchcomponent') {
          if (trim($value)) $data->addChild(substr($key,5))->addCData($value);
      $fields = $data->addChild('fields');
      for ($i=0; isset($_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name']); $i++) {
        if ($_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name']) {
          $item = $fields->addChild('item');
          if (@$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_value']) {
          if (@$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_options']) {
            $options = preg_split("/\r?\n/", rtrim($_POST['cf_'.$i.'_options']));
            foreach ($options as $option) {
          if (@$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_index'] == '1' || @$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_index'] == '2' || @$_POST['cf_'.$i.'_index'] == '3') {
            $item->addChild('index', $_POST['cf_'.$i.'_index']);
           return XMLsave($data, $file);
    public static function undo($name, $newname) {
      $newdata = getXML(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'i18n_special_' . $newname . '.xml');
      $newslug = (string) $newdata->slug;
      if ($name != $newname && !unlink(GSDATAOTHERPATH.'i18n_special_'.$newname.'.xml')) return false;
      if (!copy(GSBACKUPSPATH.'other/i18n_special_'.$name.'.xml', GSDATAOTHERPATH.'i18n_special_'.$name.'.xml')) return false;
      $olddata = getXML(GSDATAOTHERPATH . 'i18n_special_' . $name . '.xml');
      $oldslug = (string) $olddata->slug;
      I18nSpecialPagesBackend::updatePages($name, $newname, $oldslug && $oldslug != $newslug);
      return true;

  if (isset($_GET['undo']) && !isset($_POST['save'])) {
    $name = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$/', @$_GET['edit']) ? $_GET['edit'] : null;
    if (I18nSpecialPagesEditor::undo($name, @$_GET['new'])) {
      $msg = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/UNDO_SUCCESS');
      $success = true;
      if (function_exists('delete_i18n_search_index')) delete_i18n_search_index();
    } else {
      $msg = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/UNDO_FAILURE');
    $def = I18nSpecialPages::getSettings($name);
  } else if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
    $msg = I18nSpecialPagesEditor::validate();
    if (!$msg) unset($msg);
    if (!isset($msg) && !I18nSpecialPagesEditor::save(@$_GET['edit'])) {
      $msg = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/SAVE_FAILURE');
    if (!isset($msg)) {
      $msg = i18n_r('i18n_specialpages/SAVE_SUCCESS');
      $name = $_POST['post-name'];
      $oldname = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$/', @$_GET['edit']) ? $_GET['edit'] : null;
      if ($oldname && file_exists(GSBACKUPSPATH.'other/i18n_special_'.$oldname.'.xml')) {
        $msg .= ' <a href="load.php?id=i18n_specialpages&amp;config&amp;edit='.$oldname.'&amp;new='.$name.'&amp;undo">' . i18n_r('UNDO') . '</a>';
      $success = true;
      if (function_exists('delete_i18n_search_index')) delete_i18n_search_index();
      $def = I18nSpecialPages::getSettings($name);
    } else {
      $name = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$/', @$_GET['edit']) ? $_GET['edit'] : null;
      $def = array();
      $def['name'] = $_POST['post-name'];
      $def['title'] = $_POST['post-title'];
      $def['parent'] = $_POST['post-parent'];
      $def['tags'] = $_POST['post-tags'];
      $def['slug'] = $_POST['post-slug'];
      $def['template'] = $_POST['post-template'];
      $def['menu'] = $_POST['post-menu'];
      $def['headercomponent'] = $_POST['post-headercomponent'];
      foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
        if (substr($key,0,18) == 'post-showcomponent' || substr($key,0,20) == 'post-searchcomponent') {
          $def[substr($key,5)] = $value;
      $def['fields'] = array();
      for ($i=0; isset($_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name']); $i++) {
        $cf = array();
        $cf['name'] = $_POST['cf_'.$i.'_name'];
        $cf['label'] = $_POST['cf_'.$i.'_label'];
        $cf['type'] = $_POST['cf_'.$i.'_type'];
        $cf['value'] = $_POST['cf_'.$i.'_value'];
        $cf['options'] = preg_split("/\r?\n/", rtrim($_POST['cf_'.$i.'_value']));
        $def['fields'][] = $cf;
      array_pop($def['fields']); // remove the last hidden line
  } else if (@$_GET['edit']) {
    $name = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$/', @$_GET['edit']) ? $_GET['edit'] : null;
    $def = I18nSpecialPages::getSettings($name);
  } else if (@$_GET['copy']) {
    $name = '';
    $cpname = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$/', @$_GET['copy']) ? $_GET['copy'] : null;
    $def = I18nSpecialPages::getSettings($cpname);
  } else if (@$_GET['template']) {
    $name = '';
    $tempname = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9-]+$/', @$_GET['template']) ? $_GET['template'] : null;
    $def = I18nSpecialPages::loadSettings(GSPLUGINPATH.'i18n_specialpages/templates/', 'i18n_special_'.$tempname.'.xml');
  } else {
    $name = '';
    $def = array();
  $issearch = defined('I18N_ACTION_INDEX');
  $isi18n = function_exists('i18n_init');
  $isi18nnav = function_exists('get_i18n_navigation');
  // get pages for parent and languages
  $pages = array();
  $languages = array();
  $dir_handle = @opendir(GSDATAPAGESPATH) or die("Unable to open pages directory");
  while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle)) {
    if (substr($filename,-4) == '.xml' && !is_dir(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $filename)) {
      $data = getXML(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $filename);
      if ($isi18n && strpos($filename,'_') !== false) {
        $lang = substr($filename, strpos($filename,'_')+1, -4);
        if (!in_array($lang, $languages)) $languages[] = $lang;
      } else {
        $tags = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', trim((string)@$data['metak']));
        $special = false;
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
          if (substr($tag,0,9) == '_special_') { $special = true; break; }
        if (!$special) {
          $pages[substr($filename,0,-4)] = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($data->title),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8');
  // get templates
  global $TEMPLATE;
  $templates = array();
  $themes_handle = opendir(GSTHEMESPATH.$TEMPLATE) or die("Unable to open " . GSTHEMESPATH);
  while ($filename = readdir($themes_handle)) {
    if (substr($filename,-4) == '.php' && $filename != 'functions.php' &&
        substr($filename,-8) != '.inc.php' && !is_dir(GSTHEMESPATH.$TEMPLATE.$filename)) {
      $templates[] = $filename;
  $lf = "\r\n";
  $defaultsearchcontent =
'<h3 class="search-entry-title">'.$lf.
'  <?php if ($showLanguage) { ?>'.$lf.
'  <span class="search-entry-language"><?php get_special_field(\'language\'); ?></span>'.$lf.
'  <?php } ?>'.$lf.
'  <a href="<?php get_special_field(\'link\',\'\',false); ?>">'.$lf.
'    <?php get_special_field(\'title\',\'\',false); ?>'.$lf.
'  </a>'.$lf.
'<?php if ($showDate) { ?>'.$lf.
'<div class="search-entry-date"><?php get_special_field_date(\'pubDate\', $dateFormat); ?></div>'.$lf.
'<?php } ?>'.$lf.
'<div class="search-entry-excerpt"><?php get_special_field_excerpt(\'content\', $numWords); ?></div>'.$lf;
<h3 class="floated" style="float:left"><?php if ($name) i18n('i18n_specialpages/CONFIG_EDIT_TITLE'); else i18n('i18n_specialpages/CONFIG_CREATE_TITLE'); ?></h3>
<div class="edit-nav tab-links" >
    <?php if ($issearch) { ?>
    <a href="#tab-search"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/TAB_SEARCH'); ?></a>
    <?php } ?>
    <a href="#tab-view"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/TAB_VIEW'); ?></a>
    <a href="#tab-fields"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/TAB_FIELDS'); ?></a>
    <a class="current" href="#tab-general"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/TAB_GENERAL'); ?></a>
  <div class="clear" ></div>

<form method="post" id="specialpagesForm" action="load.php?id=i18n_specialpages&amp;config&amp;edit=<?php echo $name; ?>">

  <div id="tab-general" class="tab">
    <p><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/CONFIG_EDIT_GENERAL_DESCR'); ?></p>
    <p><input type="text" class="text title" name="post-title" value="<?php echo @$def['title']; ?>" /></p>
    <table id="editsp" class="edittable highlight">
        <td><label for="post-name"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/NAME'); ?></label></td>
        <td><input type="text" class="text" style="width:240px" id="post-name" name="post-name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['name']); ?>" /></td>
        <td><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/NAME_DESCR'); ?></td>
        <td><label for="post-slug"><?php i18n('SLUG_URL'); ?></label></td>
        <td><input type="text" class="text" style="width:240px" id="post-slug" name="post-slug" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['slug']); ?>" /></td>
        <td><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/SLUG_URL_DESCR'); ?></td>
        <td><label for="post-parent"><?php i18n('PARENT_PAGE'); ?></label></td>
          <select id="post-parent" name="post-parent" class="text" style="width:250px">
            <option value=""></option>
            <?php foreach ($pages as $slug => $title) { ?>
            <option value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($slug); ?>" <?php if ($slug == @$def['parent']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php echo htmlspecialchars($title).' ('.htmlspecialchars($slug).')'; ?></option> 
            <?php } ?>
        <td><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/PARENT_PAGE_DESCR'); ?></td>
        <td><label for="post-tags"><?php i18n('TAG_KEYWORDS'); ?></label></td>
        <td><input type="text" class="text" style="width:240px" id="post-tags" name="post-tags" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['tags']); ?>" /></td>
        <td><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/TAG_KEYWORDS_DESCR'); ?></td>
        <td><label for="post-template"><?php i18n('TEMPLATE'); ?></label></td>
          <select id="post-template" name="post-template" class="text" style="width:250px">
            <option value=""></option>
            <?php foreach ($templates as $template) { ?>
            <option value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($template); ?>" <?php if ($template == @$def['template']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php echo htmlspecialchars($template=='template.php' ? i18n_r('DEFAULT_TEMPLATE') : $template); ?></option> 
            <?php } ?>
        <td><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/TEMPLATE_DESCR'); ?></td>
        <td><label for="post-menu"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/MENU'); ?></label></td>
          <select id="post-menu" name="post-menu" class="text" style="width:250px">
            <option value=""></option>
            <option value="0" <?php if ('0' == @$def['menu']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/MENU_NO'); ?></option>
            <?php if ($isi18nnav) { ?>
            <option value="f" <?php if ('f' == @$def['menu']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/MENU_FIRST_POS'); ?></option>
            <option value="l" <?php if ('l' == @$def['menu']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/MENU_LAST_POS'); ?></option>
            <?php } ?>
            <?php if (false) { ?>
            <option value="s" <?php if ('s' == @$def['menu']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/MENU_SLUG_POS'); ?></option>
            <option value="r" <?php if ('r' == @$def['menu']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/MENU_REVSLUG_POS'); ?></option>
            <?php } ?>
        <td><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/MENU_DESCR'); ?></td>
  <div id="tab-fields" class="tab" style="display:none;">
    <p><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/CONFIG_EDIT_FIELDS_DESCR'); ?></p>
    <table id="editfields" class="edittable highlight">
          <th><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/FIELD_NAME'); ?></th>
          <th><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/FIELD_LABEL'); ?></th>
          <th style="width:100px;"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/FIELD_TYPE'); ?></th>
          <th><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/FIELD_DEFAULT_VALUE'); ?></th>
  <?php if ($issearch) { ?>
          <th><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/FIELD_INDEX'); ?></th>
  <?php } ?>
    $i = 0;
    if (isset($def['fields']) && count(@$def['fields']) > 0) foreach ($def['fields'] as $cf) {
      i18n_specialpages_confline($i, $cf, 'sortable', $issearch);   
    i18n_specialpages_confline($i, array(), 'hidden', $issearch);
          <td colspan="5"><a href="#" class="add"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/ADD_FIELD'); ?></a></td>
          <td class="secondarylink"><a href="#" class="add" title="<?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/ADD_FIELD'); ?>">+</a></td>
      <input type="hidden" id="post-defaultcontent" name="post-defaultcontent" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$def['defaultcontent']); ?>" />
      <a class="setcontent" href="#"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/SET_DEFAULT_CONTENT'); ?></a>
    <div id="ed_textarea" class="dialog" style="display:none">
      <textarea id="ed_ta" name="ed_ta" style="height:200px;"></textarea>
      <button class="valueok"><?php i18n('OK'); ?></button>
      <button class="valuecancel"><?php i18n('CANCEL'); ?></button>
    <div id="ed_wysiwyg" class="dialog" style="display:none">
      <textarea id="ed_cke" name="ed_cke" style="height:500px;"></textarea>
      <button class="valueok"><?php i18n('OK'); ?></button>
      <button class="valuecancel"><?php i18n('CANCEL'); ?></button>
  <div id="tab-view" class="tab" style="display:none;">
    <p><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/CONFIG_EDIT_VIEW_DESCR'); ?></p>
    <div class="compdiv">
      <label for="post-headercomponent"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/HEADERCOMPONENT'); ?></label>
      <textarea id="post-headercomponent" name="post-headercomponent" style="height:200px;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['headercomponent']); ?></textarea>
    <div class="compdiv i18n-sp-comp">
      <?php if ($isi18n && $languages) { ?>
        <div class="i18n-sp-langsel">
          <a class="current" href="#showcomponent"><?php echo return_i18n_default_language(); ?></a>
          <?php foreach ($languages as $lang) { ?>
            <a href="#showcomponent_<?php echo $lang; ?>"><?php echo $lang; ?></a>
          <?php } ?>
      <?php } ?>
      <label for="post-showcomponent"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/SHOWCOMPONENT'); ?></label>
      <div class="i18n-sp-wrapper" id="showcomponent" style="clear:both;">
        <textarea id="post-showcomponent" name="post-showcomponent" style="height:200px"><?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['showcomponent']); ?></textarea>
      <?php if ($isi18n && $languages) foreach ($languages as $lang) { ?>
      <div class="i18n-sp-wrapper" id="showcomponent_<?php echo $lang; ?>" style="clear:both;display:none">
        <textarea id="post-showcomponent_<?php echo $lang; ?>" name="post-showcomponent_<?php echo $lang; ?>" style="height:200px;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$def['showcomponent_'.$lang]); ?></textarea>
      <?php } ?>
  <?php if ($issearch) { ?>
  <div id="tab-search" class="tab" style="display:none;">
    <p><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/CONFIG_EDIT_SEARCH_DESCR'); ?></p>
    <div class="compdiv i18n-sp-comp">
      <?php if ($isi18n && $languages) { ?>
        <div class="i18n-sp-langsel">
          <a class="current" href="#searchcomponent"><?php echo return_i18n_default_language(); ?></a>
          <?php foreach ($languages as $lang) { ?>
            <a href="#searchcomponent_<?php echo $lang; ?>"><?php echo $lang; ?></a>
          <?php } ?>
      <?php } ?>
      <label for="post-searchcomponent"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/SEARCHCOMPONENT'); ?></label>
      <div class="i18n-sp-wrapper" id="searchcomponent" style="clear:both;">
        <textarea id="post-searchcomponent" name="post-searchcomponent" style="height:200px"><?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['searchcomponent']); ?></textarea>
      <?php if ($isi18n && $languages) foreach ($languages as $lang) { ?>
      <div class="i18n-sp-wrapper" id="searchcomponent_<?php echo $lang; ?>" style="clear:both;display:none">
        <textarea id="post-searchcomponent_<?php echo $lang; ?>" name="post-searchcomponent_<?php echo $lang; ?>" style="height:200px;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$def['searchcomponent_'.$lang]); ?></textarea>
      <?php } ?>
    <label for="post-searchcomponent"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/DEFAULT_SEARCH_COMPONENT'); ?></label>
    <pre style="font-size:14px;line-height:24px;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($defaultsearchcontent); ?>
  <?php } ?>
  <input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/SAVE'); ?>" class="submit"/>
  &nbsp;&nbsp; <?php i18n('OR'); ?> &nbsp;&nbsp;
  <a class="cancel" href="load.php?id=i18n_specialpages&amp;config"><?php i18n('CANCEL'); ?></a>
  <?php if (@$_GET['edit']) { ?>
    <a class="cancel" href="load.php?id=i18n_specialpages&amp;config&amp;delete=<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name); ?>"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/DELETE'); ?></a>
  <?php } ?>

<script type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/i18n_specialpages/js/jquery-ui.sort.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  function renumberCustomFields() {
    $('#editfields tbody tr').each(function(i,tr) {
      $(tr).find('input, select, textarea').each(function(k,elem) {
        var name = $(elem).attr('name').replace(/_\d+_/, '_'+(i)+'_');
        $(elem).attr('name', name);
  $(function() {
    <?php I18nSpecialPagesBackend::outputCKEditorJS('ed_cke', 'editor', 730, 500); ?>
    $('#editfields select[name$=_type]').change(function(e) {
      var val = $(;
      var $ta = $('td').find('textarea');
      if (val == 'dropdown') $ta.css('display','inline'); else $ta.css('display','none');
      if (val == 'textarea' || val == 'wysiwyg') {
      } else {
<?php if ($issearch) { ?>
      var $index = $('tr').find('[name$=_index]');
      if (val == 'text' || val == 'dropdown') {
        if ($index.val() == 3) $index.val('');
      } else if (val == 'textfull' || val == 'textarea' || val == 'wysiwyg') {
        if ($index.val() != 1) $index.val('');
            } else if (val == 'checkbox') {
        if ($index.val() != 3) $index.val('');
            } else {
<?php } ?>
    $('#editfields a.delete').click(function(e) {
    $('#editfields a.add').click(function(e) {
      var $tr = $('tbody').find('tr.hidden');
    $('#editfields tbody').sortable({
      items:"tr.sortable", handle:'td',
      update:function(e,ui) { renumberCustomFields(); }
    $('.i18n-sp-langsel a').click(function(e) {
    $('.tab-links a').click(function(e) {
      $('.tab-links a').removeClass('current');
      var tabsel = $('href');
      if (tabsel == '#tab-view') {
        $('#headercomponent textarea:visible').focus();
        $('#showcomponent textarea:visible').focus();
      } else if (tabsel == '#tab-search') {
        $('#searchcomponent textarea:visible').focus();
    var $valuefield;
    $('a.setcontent').click(function(e) {
      $valuefield = $('#post-defaultcontent');
    $('a.setvalue').click(function(e) {
      $valuefield = $('tr').find('[name$=value]');
      if ($('tr').find('[name$=type]').val() == 'wysiwyg') {
      } else {
    $('#ed_wysiwyg .valueok').click(function(e) {
    $('#ed_wysiwyg .valuecancel').click(function(e) {
    $('#ed_textarea .valueok').click(function(e) {
    $('#ed_textarea .valuecancel').click(function(e) {
<?php if (@$msg) { ?>
    $('div.bodycontent').before('<div class="<?php echo @$success ? 'updated' : 'error'; ?>" style="display:block;">'+<?php echo json_encode($msg); ?>+'</div>');
    $(".updated, .error").fadeOut(500).fadeIn(500);
<?php } ?>
// исправление для PHP 8 $issearch поставлен перед $class=''
function i18n_specialpages_confline($i, $def, $issearch, $class='') {
  $isdropdown = @$def['type'] == 'dropdown';
  $indexable = !@$def['type'] || in_array(@$def['type'],array('text','textfull','dropdown','textarea','wysiwyg','checkbox'));
  $options = $isdropdown && count($def['options']) > 0 ? implode("\r\n", $def['options']) : '';
  if (substr($options,0,2) == "\r\n") $options = "\r\n".$options; // textarea removes first line break!
      <tr class="<?php echo $class; ?>">
        <td><input type="text" class="text" style="width:80px;padding:2px;" name="cf_<?php echo $i; ?>_name" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['name']); ?>"/></td>
        <td><input type="text" class="text" style="width:140px;padding:2px;" name="cf_<?php echo $i; ?>_label" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['label']); ?>"/></td>
          <select name="cf_<?php echo $i; ?>_type" class="text short" style="width:160px;padding:2px;" >
            <option value="text" <?php echo @$def['type']=='text' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/TEXT_FIELD'); ?></option>
            <option value="textfull" <?php echo @$def['type']=='textfull' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/LONG_TEXT_FIELD'); ?></option>
            <option value="dropdown" <?php echo @$def['type']=='dropdown' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/DROPDOWN_BOX'); ?></option>
            <option value="checkbox" <?php echo @$def['type']=='checkbox' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/CHECKBOX'); ?></option>
            <option value="textarea" <?php echo @$def['type']=='textarea' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/TEXTAREA'); ?></option>
            <option value="wysiwyg" <?php echo @$def['type']=='wysiwyg' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/WYSIWYG_EDITOR'); ?></option>
            <option value="image" <?php echo @$def['type']=='image' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/IMAGE'); ?></option>
            <option value="file" <?php echo @$def['type']=='file' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/FILE'); ?></option>
            <option value="link" <?php echo @$def['type']=='link' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/LINK'); ?></option>
          <textarea class="text" style="width:150px;height:50px;padding:2px;<?php echo !$isdropdown ? 'display:none' : ''; ?>" name="cf_<?php echo $i; ?>_options"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($options); ?></textarea>
          <input type="text" class="text" style="width:100px;padding:2px;<?php if (@$def['type']=='textarea' || @$def['type']=='wysiwyg') echo 'display:none'; ?>" name="cf_<?php echo $i; ?>_value" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars((string)@$def['value']); ?>"/>
          <a href="#" class="setvalue" style="<?php if (@$def['type']!='textarea' && @$def['type']!='wysiwyg') echo 'display:none'; ?>"><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/SET_DEFAULT'); ?></a>
<?php if ($issearch) { ?>
          <select name="cf_<?php echo $i; ?>_index" class="text short" style="width:65px;padding:2px;<?php if (!$indexable) echo 'display:none;'; ?>" >
            <option value="" <?php if (!@$def['index']) echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> ></option>
            <option value="1" <?php if ((string) @$def['index'] == '1') echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> <?php if (@$def['type']=='checkbox') echo 'style="display:none"'; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/INDEX_WORDS'); ?></option>
            <option value="2" <?php if ((string) @$def['index'] == '2') echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> <?php if (@$def['type']!='text' && @$def['type']!='dropdown') echo 'style="display:none"'; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/INDEX_AS_TAG'); ?></option>
            <option value="3" <?php if ((string) @$def['index'] == '3') echo 'selected="selected"'; ?> <?php if (@$def['type']!='checkbox') echo 'style="display:none"'; ?> ><?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/INDEX_NAME_AS_TAG'); ?></option>
<?php } ?>
        <td class="delete"><a href="#" class="delete" title="<?php i18n('i18n_specialpages/DELETE_FIELD'); ?>">&times;</a></td>

Please test, look for errors and we will work further.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - linden - 2022-12-21

(2022-12-21, 18:20:29)Oleg06 Wrote:
(2022-12-10, 22:21:35)linden Wrote: Would anyone be able to update I18N Special Pages to support PHP 8?

When trying to save pages I get these errors.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc()

Also want to thank everyone for keeping this cms and plugins alive.

I think I managed to fix this plugin. Anyway, the errors are gone and it works. Since I had to edit a lot of lines, I am posting the entire code of the conf_edit.php file.

Please test, look for errors and we will work further.

Thank you so much I will check when I get a chance Smile


Tested and still getting errors from magic_quotes.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc() in /www/plugins/i18n_specialpages/backend.class.php(125): I18nSpecialPagesBackend:Confusedtrip('short-order, _s...') #1 /www/plugins/i18n_specialpages.php(254): I18nSpecialPagesBackend:Confusedave() #2 /www/admin/inc/plugin_functions.php(293): i18n_specialpages_save() #3 /www/admin/changedata.php(179): exec_action('changedata-save') #4 {main} thrown in /www/plugins/i18n_specialpages/backend.class.php on line 113

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-21

(2022-12-21, 19:24:34)linden Wrote:
(2022-12-21, 18:20:29)Oleg06 Wrote:
(2022-12-10, 22:21:35)linden Wrote: Would anyone be able to update I18N Special Pages to support PHP 8?

When trying to save pages I get these errors.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc()

Also want to thank everyone for keeping this cms and plugins alive.

I think I managed to fix this plugin. Anyway, the errors are gone and it works. Since I had to edit a lot of lines, I am posting the entire code of the conf_edit.php file.

Please test, look for errors and we will work further.

Thank you so much I will check when I get a chance Smile


Tested and still getting errors from magic_quotes.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc() in /www/plugins/i18n_specialpages/backend.class.php(125): I18nSpecialPagesBackend:Confusedtrip('short-order, _s...') #1 /www/plugins/i18n_specialpages.php(254): I18nSpecialPagesBackend:Confusedave() #2 /www/admin/inc/plugin_functions.php(293): i18n_specialpages_save() #3 /www/admin/changedata.php(179): exec_action('changedata-save') #4 {main} thrown in /www/plugins/i18n_specialpages/backend.class.php on line 113

Everything turned out to be much more difficult. We need Martin here.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - multicolor - 2022-12-21

magic_quotes_gpc() is removed from php 8. Today i will working, and i send link. This is no problem, give me a chanceSmile

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - multicolor - 2022-12-22

now i18n special pages and i18n search fixed for php 8.1 - soon on new great github repo with better download, and new website CE. If you find some error, tell us - i will fix when i can.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - linden - 2022-12-22

(2022-12-22, 09:07:12)multicolor Wrote:

now i18n special pages and i18n search fixed for php 8.1 - soon on new great github repo with better download, and new website CE. If you find some error, tell us - i will fix when i can.

Tested both i18n Special Pages and i18n Search, and so far so good. Pages get saved and no errors so far Smile Thank you so much for the time and effort you put in to get this working!

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-22

I18N Search
(2022-12-21, 22:38:57)multicolor Wrote: magic_quotes_gpc() is removed from php 8. Today i will working, and i send link. This is no problem, give me a chanceSmile

Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 83
I18N Special Pages
Deprecated: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_specialpages\edit.php on line 37
Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated in C:OSPaneldomainsgsphp8.iapluginsi18n_specialpagesspecialpages.class.php on line 139
Deprecated: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:OSPaneldomainsgsphp8.iapluginsi18n_specialpagesconf_edit.php on line 365 - this warning only appears when the field is empty.

Plugin I18N Custom fields does not allow creating fields in the settings and when you click on the Create a new field link, it jumps up.

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - multicolor - 2022-12-22

(2022-12-22, 19:03:27)Oleg06 Wrote: I18N Search
(2022-12-21, 22:38:57)multicolor Wrote: magic_quotes_gpc() is removed from php 8. Today i will working, and i send link. This is no problem, give me a chanceSmile

Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 83
I18N Special Pages
Deprecated: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_specialpages\edit.php on line 37
Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated in C:OSPaneldomainsgsphp8.iapluginsi18n_specialpagesspecialpages.class.php on line 139
Deprecated: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:OSPaneldomainsgsphp8.iapluginsi18n_specialpagesconf_edit.php on line 365

Plugin I18N Custom fields does not allow creating fields in the settings and when you click on the Create a new field link, it jumps up.

Try now, if works ok we put this to repo plugins-get-simple-php8

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-22

(2022-12-22, 20:08:54)multicolor Wrote:
(2022-12-22, 19:03:27)Oleg06 Wrote: I18N Search
(2022-12-21, 22:38:57)multicolor Wrote: magic_quotes_gpc() is removed from php 8. Today i will working, and i send link. This is no problem, give me a chanceSmile

Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 83
I18N Special Pages
Deprecated: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_specialpages\edit.php on line 37
Deprecated: Function strftime() is deprecated in C:OSPaneldomainsgsphp8.iapluginsi18n_specialpagesspecialpages.class.php on line 139
Deprecated: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:OSPaneldomainsgsphp8.iapluginsi18n_specialpagesconf_edit.php on line 365

Plugin I18N Custom fields does not allow creating fields in the settings and when you click on the Create a new field link, it jumps up.

Try now, if works ok we put this to repo plugins-get-simple-php8
Deprecated: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:\OSPanel\domains\gsphp8.ia\plugins\i18n_search\searchresults.php on line 84
Deprecated: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in C:OSPaneldomainsgsphp8.iapluginsi18n_specialpagesconf_edit.php on line 365

RE: Get simple 3.3.16 support for php 8.0 - Oleg06 - 2022-12-22

Plugin I18N Custom fields does not allow creating fields in the settings and when you click on the Create a new field link, it jumps up.