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Migration // Location of Pages - Printable Version

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Migration // Location of Pages - mnemon - 2011-10-31

probably a total n00b question, but in what format and where does GetSimple store the pages? I used ftp to look into the directory /data/pages after creating the first page, but the directory is empty - yet the page is saved and online.

Backgroud to the question: I have a website with roughly 700+ pages I wish to migrate to GetSimple. Those files are php-files with an <include header> at top and an <include footer> at bottom. I hope to be able to convert them to a format GetSimple understands and save myself a copy&paste orgy.

Any ideas? And no, seemed a bit too complicated for me. Smile Is there an easier way?

Thanks in advance!

Migration // Location of Pages - Connie - 2011-10-31

1) GS stores the files in XML format
2) GS stores the files in the folder /data/pages

an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<item><pubDate>Sun, 24 Apr 2011 11:33:14 +0200</pubDate><title>Info</title><url>info</url><meta></meta><metad></metad><menu>Info</menu><menuStatus>Y</menuStatus><template>template.php</template><parent></parent><content>&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;
    Sehen Sie, Webstandards sind das Regelwerk, auf dem Webseiten aufbauen. So gibt es Regeln f&amp;uuml;r HTML, CSS, JavaScript oder auch XML; Worte, die Sie vielleicht schon einmal von Ihrem Entwickler geh&amp;ouml;rt haben.&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

3) if you do not see these files by FTP, refresh the view in the FTP program

4) the easiest way is to create the pages and copy and paste the content into the editor of each page

everything between <include header> and <include footer> belongs into the conten-section of the xml - file

header and footer must be defined in the template which you use

it is work. But conversion never works 100%

I migrated 250 pages lastly. it was a good practice and I could repair and correct a lot of typos etc. (an advantage of manual work)

Migration // Location of Pages - mnemon - 2011-11-01

Thanks for the quick reply. Yah, I guess it'll be copy & paste then.

Now I only have to figure out how to create a proper navigation with sub-menues - the I18n-plugins dont seem to work properly for me yet, though I think i changed all the scripts as required in the setup. But thats a more specialized problem. and I will open a different thread if i dont manage to come to grips with it in the next days.

Thanks again for the help!

P.S.: Several hours later and after several reconnects, fireFTP still shows /data/pages as being empty Undecided