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Tags and keywords - page options - Printable Version

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Tags and keywords - page options - Ampersand - 2011-11-05

Sorry for asking that, but can't find any answer in the wiki or forum - does the page options field "tags & keywords" is or may be used for anything else then <meta> tag contents in html head?

Tags and keywords - page options - mvlcek - 2011-11-05

Ampersand Wrote:Sorry for asking that, but can't find any answer in the wiki or forum - does the page options field "tags & keywords" is or may be used for anything else then <meta> tag contents in html head?

In basic GetSimple not, as far as I know - unless you display them somewhere else in your template.

If you use plugins, they are used for various tasks, e.g.:
  • I18N - filter pages view for faster access
  • I18N Search - tag cloud, search content by tag, see here and here
  • Pagify - specify parameters for plugin, see here
  • Site Users (in development) - authorize users based on tags, e.g. anonymous users can't access pages tagged with _protected
  • Special menu/navigation needs - associate pages with other pages, see here

Tags and keywords - page options - Ampersand - 2011-11-05

These look handy. I'll start to fill up tags then. Hope to use some of the above when my site gets larger than current 11 pages. Wink

BTW - is it possible to define a tag "donald duck" or you can just define "donald, duck" as two separate tags? In other words is it possible to define a tag as a string with a space character? I mean for future search purposes.

Tags and keywords - page options - mvlcek - 2011-11-05

Ampersand Wrote:BTW - is it possible to define a tag "donald duck" or you can just define "donald, duck" as two separate tags? In other words is it possible to define a tag as a string with a space character? I mean for future search purposes.

It is possible, although I18N Search replaces blanks with _ during indexing. But this should be no problem, if you use the supplied tag cloud and tag selection functionalities.