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Basic contact form support - Printable Version

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Basic contact form support - threeam - 2012-01-04

Hmmm, quite a few downloads but only one poor rating. What troubles have you run into?

Basic contact form support - Connie - 2012-01-04

read the forum thread of that plugin, if you want to find out

what kind of answer do you expect? A psychological analysis? ;=)

Cheers, Connie

Basic contact form support - threeam - 2012-01-05

Connie Wrote:read the forum thread of that plugin

Ummm, this is the forum thread for that plugin. Wink

That's an open question to users.

Basic contact form support - chefbyte - 2012-01-16

OK, just installed this plug-in and after hitting send, I do not get an acknowledgement that the message has been sent, Am I missing something?

I would like a thank you appear, that the message has gone or a return to the main page of the site?

Played with this now for 30 minutes and all I get is a That does not appear to be a valid email address error at the top of the form

Basic contact form support - threeam - 2012-01-16

chefbyte Wrote:all I get is a That does not appear to be a valid email address error

It looks like you're either entering an invalid address, or you haven't completed step 4 of the install instructions. Did you go to Themes > Basic Contact Settings to tell it the name of your email address field?

You could always post your contact form code here.

Basic contact form support - Simple50ph - 2012-01-27

Hello ;

I'm experimenting GetSimple for the 1rst time (it's my 1rst CMS, too).
I just tried to install the Basic Contact Form, and I don't understand what you mean by filling the fields in the Contact form settings : What am I supposed to write in the "Subject", "Submission recipient" and "Email field" ?

Sorry but English isn't my native language (neither is PHP :-) ), so I sometimes miss obvious things.

Thanks for your understanding.


Basic contact form support - threeam - 2012-01-31

Simple50ph Wrote:What am I supposed to write in the "Subject", "Submission recipient" and "Email field"?

Submission recipient is the email address of the person who will receive the contact submissions.
Subject is anything you like and will show in the inbox of their email program/webmail.
Email field is the value of the name="..." attribute of the email address <input> in your form. Using my example form, I would just type

Basic contact form support - Ampersand - 2012-09-12

Just installed it with 3.1.2. Works fine, confirmation message shows up. Email filed in config is confusing at first so just copy the example form from plugin page and put Email as described above.

Remember this plugin requires you to add the form to template or component.

RE: Basic contact form support - GreenFrog - 2012-11-09

(2012-01-04, 16:26:00)threeam Wrote: Hmmm, quite a few downloads but only one poor rating. What troubles have you run into?

Any plan to include simple capctha to this plugins ?

RE: Basic contact form support - headbank - 2012-12-16

Hi threeam,

I can't get your plugin to work on my system, which is (so far) a vanilla install of GS 3.1.2 having followed your directions. I created a page with just your example form code, and set the Theme config as directed.

When I go to the page I created, it shows the PHP code (escaped to HTML entities) inside the form fields. Looking at the HTML source of the page, it's clear the PHP code is being rendered in the document, not evaluated.

I think I might be better off implementing something myself than persisting with this plugin, but if you can clue me in to something silly I'm failing to do here (being a 100% newbie GS user) I'd be very appreciative.

RE: Basic contact form support - marrco - 2013-01-09

tested with 3.2 and works fine too

RE: Basic contact form support - Ende - 2013-02-21

(2012-12-16, 03:04:23)headbank Wrote: Hi threeam,

I can't get your plugin to work on my system, which is (so far) a vanilla install of GS 3.1.2 having followed your directions. I created a page with just your example form code, and set the Theme config as directed.

When I go to the page I created, it shows the PHP code (escaped to HTML entities) inside the form fields. Looking at the HTML source of the page, it's clear the PHP code is being rendered in the document, not evaluated.

I think I might be better off implementing something myself than persisting with this plugin, but if you can clue me in to something silly I'm failing to do here (being a 100% newbie GS user) I'd be very appreciative.

Hey I'm also new to GS, I had the same issue... the thing is that you cant use php in the body of a page. Try pasting the form on a sidebar component! If that works then, what I did was to create a component in the template to show in the body content ONLY if the page was, say your "contact" page ELSE show normal content... I hope this helps! This plugin works very well!

RE: Basic contact form support - crealpes - 2013-03-07

To place a form wherever you want on a specific page (on the middle of a paragraph for example):
1/ install the plugin Dynpages.
2/ Create your form in a component, call it 'myform' for example.
3/ Go to your specific page content and just add: {% myform %} where you want the form to appear.

RE: Basic contact form support - Italian David - 2013-08-02

Is there anyway you can add multiple forms to one page?

It would also be good if you could explain how to include checkboxes.

RE: Basic contact form support - moscoski - 2013-10-19

Don't work for me...

Let's do steps:

1 - Unzip
2 - Install at Admin
3 - Install DynPages
4 - Copy HTML codes
5 - Refer { % code }

nothing happens... form not showed.

RE: Basic contact form support - nohc - 2013-11-17

Tell me how you can use several different forms on the page?
Also, is needed to send and receive a response from the server using ajax. Maybe there are some solutions?
I apologize for my English.

RE: Basic contact form support - lukoie - 2014-10-24

it doesnt work on my site
after i insert php custom_contact_form_process(); that page wont load
actually, if i open the code view, i can see that it loads to the point where this code is inserted