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v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - Printable Version

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v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - lippo - 2012-02-22

I have recently updated my website, but since that I can't add photos or tables because the editor dialog does not open. The problem only appears in Firefox, the browserscreen fade to grey and is locked - but no dialog is shown.

Firebug reports an error:
CKEDITOR.dialog.validate.inlineStyle is not a function
in <root>/admin/template/js/ckeditor/plugins/image/dialogs/image.js?t=B1GG4Z6 (line 13)

So I want to manage my site with Chrome, but here the "Browser Server"-Dialog does not work. Chrome opens a new window, but does not show it.

Only IE works fine ... I hate IE for that! Wink

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - Connie - 2012-02-23

I installed 3.1 quite often and I did not run into that situation
so there must be a special "qualification" ;=)

please tell us the result of the server health check

Cheers, Connie

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - lippo - 2012-02-23

All green, only "/data/other/components.xml" is invalid - because this file is empty. ^^
GetSimple Version: 3.1 - Latest version installed

There must something wrong with my installation, I tried a new one and all works like expected.
I have already deleted my admin directory and replaced it.

Next I will compare my config-files with the original ones.

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - lippo - 2012-02-29

ok ... now it works.

I have done different things:
- uninstall the extended news manager plugin
- remove .htaccess-files that are not in the zip (I have no idea why they've been there)
- clear cache
- wait 2 hours (before 2 hours it does not work and now all is ok)

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - Connie - 2012-02-29

that is good to hear

uninstalling plugins one after the other is a good way

but the .htaccess-files? THere are many possibilities who added them ...
that we cannot know from the distance

it is good that it is working for you now,
Cheers, Connie

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - Mark Nielsen - 2012-03-22

I have to report I'm getting the same thing as lippo. When I click the image or link button on the editor tool-bar, I get the overlay which locks the rest of the page, but no dialog. As I click the buttons, the following errors appear in my browser's JS console:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'inlineStyle' - image.js:13
a - image.js:13
(anonymous function) - image.js:13
a.dialog - ckeditor.js:97
e.extend.openDialog - ckeditor.js:109
X - ckeditor.js:109
a.scriptLoader.load.t - ckeditor.js:21
a.scriptLoader.load.u - ckeditor.js:21
a.scriptLoader.load.v - ckeditor.js:21
a.scriptLoader.load.A.$.onload - ckeditor.js:21

Health-check shows everything as green/OK. My browser is Chromium 15 / Ubuntu 10.04. Get Simple version 3.1. This is a clean install, so there are no other plugins involved.

I'll do a bit more playing later - with some different browsers.

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - Connie - 2012-03-22

please switch on DEBUG code

have you checked whether there are some reports of this behaviour at the CKEditor forum? (as this is a 3rdparty part)

I definitively know that this is not happening at my installation, whether locally or published at a server

please check with other browser as well

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - Mark Nielsen - 2012-03-23

Sorry not to have thought to turn on DEBUG, Connie. Will make sure I do that next time I run into trouble.

OK, so it was nearly 24 hours before I had time to take further action to investigate. I started off in Chromium again, and there was no problem at all - dialogues are now working fine.

I was certainly getting the problem last night, and I have certainly done nothing in the meantime to my server or the GS 3.1 installation. I'm also sure I haven't knowingly cleared Chromium's cache.

So, obviously I am full of joy that the site now works perfectly, and feel a bit of an idiot for not being able to pinpoint the problem. During today I was forming a loose theory around cookies, based on the fact that I had been logged into a GS 3.0 install which I replaced with a 3.1 install. Possibly there was a 3.0 cookie for the domain floating about causing problems? Other than being a rough guess, I recall similar issues when forgetting to enable site-wide cookies in GS 3.0 - always solved by clearing the browser cache.

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - shawn_a - 2012-03-23

If you are using chromium, when you are experiencing this issue, open chromes console and check for errors.
Its possible you are experiencing an xss filter bug. See my xss-disable plugin.

v3.1 - No Editor Dialogs - Mark Nielsen - 2012-03-24

shawn_a Wrote:If you are using chromium, when you are experiencing this issue, open chromes console and check for errors.

I did. I posted the output of the error console in comment 6 above. Unfortunately, as the problem disappeared overnight without me taking any action, I can't investigate any further.