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If page_content() != '' echo ... possible? (conditional by content) - Printable Version

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If page_content() != '' echo ... possible? (conditional by content) - ChriS - 2012-02-29

I'm searching again for a php code to use in a template file.
I want to check if the content is empty (no content).
<?php if (page_content() != '') { ?>
        <section class="cssborder and more">
            <?php get_page_content(); ?>
<?php } ?>
Have tried "get_page_content()", "return_page_content()" and "page_content()" and "getPageContent()".
Thank you for helping again...

EDIT: I think I got it: "returnPageContent(return_page_slug())" is doing the job in v3.1. Maybe it would be helpful to add all the return outputs (if they are short/simple) for the main Template Tags in the Wiki?

If page_content() != '' echo ... possible? (conditional by content) - mikeh - 2012-02-29

Add the below function to admin/inc/theme_functions.php or theme/yourtheme/functions.php.
It does not matter which one you add it too.
function return_page_content() {
    global $content;
    $content = strip_decode($content);
    $content = exec_filter('content',$content);
    return $content;
        /* un-comment below if you replace the get_page_content() function in your template files */

Then you can use it to return the content instead of echo it.


You can do the below in your template files:
    global $content;
    if($content != '')

If page_content() != '' echo ... possible? (conditional by content) - ChriS - 2012-02-29

Thank you mikeh! Until now I have no functions.php and prefer to continue with template.php only. But it is nice to have your code here in case I need to use functions.php.

If page_content() != '' echo ... possible? (conditional by content) - mikeh - 2012-02-29

ChriS Wrote:Thank you mikeh! Until now I have no functions.php and prefer to continue with template.php only. But it is nice to have your code here in case I need to use functions.php.

I revised my post. You do not have to use that function if you do not want to. You can stay within your template file.

If page_content() != '' echo ... possible? (conditional by content) - ChriS - 2012-03-01

Thanks for the new piece of code. I have edited my first post at the same time as your first post here. I mean I'm using
<?php if (returnPageContent(return_page_slug()) != '') { ?>
        <div class="style">
        <?php get_page_content(); ?>
<?php } ?>

Does this code have some disadvantage in comparison to yours (I need to output the styling div)?