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About plugin upgrade - Printable Version

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About plugin upgrade - vasitellapahki - 2012-04-18

Hi everybody, this might be a topic that has been discussed before tho I couldn't find answers with search...?

Could it be possible to require that developers add upgrade instructions to each plugin in plugin section of Extend, not support forum?
It's hard to know if a plugin needs to be deleted and then install/ftp new version or if it's enough just to overwrite folder/file. Sometimes it's enough to overwrite, sometimes not. Or?
Browsing through maybe 20+ pages of discussion of each plugin is not really a good option to find out the right way to upgrade...

Oh and another thing came into my mind... maybe best to keep support and info only to Get Simple site? There are some plugins and themes which have additional information in some site outside and occasionally these developers' own website are not available at all (perhaps site down, no more in use).
Luckily Martin Vlcek keeps his site up 100% :-)
Perhaps a simple downloadable text/html file of this additional information would be enough so that support forum / extend contains only the essential info?

Otherwise: I just can't stop wondering why on earth haven't I used this fantastic cms before... :-)

About plugin upgrade - Connie - 2012-04-18


You are right with your suggestions, info should be at the EXTEND as well

but it is difficult to have all developers keep their work uptodate and with documentation

I support your suggestion 100%!

Cheers Connie

About plugin upgrade - haakoo - 2012-04-18

Maybe put in a manual/faq .pdf inside the plugin-zip
and attach it also at the extend description.
(this needs to be a new item in the extend formfields)


About plugin upgrade - shawn_a - 2012-04-18

In my experience it's very rare that a plugin requires special instructions if written properly.

No user data should be stored in plugin folders so upgrades should never require un-installaton except for refactors which might remove stuff, but it wont hurt anything, just clutter.

Also some plugins aren't proper plugins by asking members to modify a system file, to me these are hacks/patches not proper plugins.

I would think these special plugins are the exception not the rule.

I have suggested in previous forums, that plugins have a new register parameter called help or documentation that specifies a function or html file included in the plugin that can be linked to.

I would love to see this implemented or standardized.