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Bug Reports - Derek - 2009-08-09

So, from what it sounds like, we are moving away from lighthouse to hear and google code. If that's the case, are you still gonna have your report tickets be submitted to lighthouse or are you gonna modify the program to use Google Code's API (not sure if they have one for their ticketing system), or were you thinking about having it post new topics to the forums here?

Bug Reports - kristjanmik - 2009-08-09

check the forum of opengoo, they did it well

Bug Reports - Derek - 2009-08-09

kristjanmik Wrote:check the forum of opengoo, they did it well
I take it you use OpenGoo? If so, sometime I wanna talk to you about how you set up the project folder structure.

Bug Reports - kristjanmik - 2009-08-09

Just email me

Bug Reports - ccagle8 - 2009-08-09

Am I missing something on the OpenGoo forum for bug reports? I dont see how they are doing anything other than having a forum dedicated to bugs.

I like the way Lighthouse works... and we just got a bug fixed with the submission thanks to Derek. I'm not sure how the google code ticketing system works, but it can't be any easier than lighthouse. the only benefit there is it would be one less login if we used google instead.

I personally like Lighthouse, just how are we going to get people to post true bugs in there and not in the forum, or vice-versa?

Bug Reports - kristjanmik - 2009-08-09

What are you waiting for, put it up!

Bug Reports - ccagle8 - 2009-08-09

It actually was one of the first things I did... !!

Bug Reports - kristjanmik - 2009-08-09

Maybe you should make milestones for the missions which is included in the roadmap.
It will give people nice view of the process

Bug Reports - Derek - 2009-08-11

Chris poses a good concern - if we want them to post bugs in lighthouse, you should probably make the bug Reports forum link to lighthouse if possible - just so we don't have separate discussions going on everywhere.

Bug Reports - ccagle8 - 2009-08-11

I think what I (or we) can do is let the users ask about bugs here in the forum, but if its a true bug i/we can manually make a ticket at lighthouse to keep a running tally of them.

Bug Reports - Derek - 2009-08-11

Chris - I noticed that people will use bugs to auto-submit and then never follow through. Maybe make it so it opens the bug in target="_blank" so they are forced to view it themselves?

Bug Reports - ccagle8 - 2009-08-13

Derek, I've added some words to the ticket submission popup... Let's see how this works for now. (I also mentioned about using these forums for general questions)

Bug Reports - Derek - 2009-08-14

I'll check it out when the next version is out!

Bug Reports - Zegnåt - 2009-08-20

Derek Wrote:If we want them to post bugs in lighthouse, you should probably make the bug Reports forum link to lighthouse if possible.
I would propose adding a link to the top bar here on the forum. Adding a “Report a bug” behind the download link and make it point to lighthouse. Or, if you don’t want people to keep having to signup at different services write a page here that will use the API to submit a bug. If this is intergrated here with the forum it could be made to end the bug report with something like “posted from the forum by user Zegnåt”. This way you will also know who submitted it is the user was logged in. If they were not logged in the name can be left out and you won’t lose anything over the current submitting from the admin panel.

Bug Reports - ccagle8 - 2009-08-20

I've noticed a few things with integrating lighthouse into the app itself: I'm getting a lot of "testing" and "blah blah..." tickets submitted, so this feature might need to be removed from GS. it was a good idea... but...

Bug Reports - Zegnåt - 2009-08-20

You could add some sort of check before submitting that guesses the quality of the ticket body. Something simple to check word lengths or even the number of words. Punctuation would also something to check (a certain length body without dots or commas shows a low standard). Before actual submitting the ticket you could make the script point the submitter to the fact that the quality of the ticket is pretty low. This might save some tickets.

Another thing would be to remove ticket submitting from the demo version. When people press submit make it show a link to lighthouse and tell them the demo can’t submit tickets. Many testing tickets might be filed from there. I don’t know how much you can change the packet offered by the website running the demo?

It would be sad to leave such an unique option that works this well just because people test the workings behind it.

Bug Reports - Derek - 2009-08-21

Just throw up a disclaimer, saying that yes, if your website works this function works, only submit real bugs

Bug Reports - pixelita - 2009-08-23

Not a bug report, but a request for correction in the core code. When you send an email from the contact page, you get a nice message telling you the email was sent successfully. Currently, it says this:
Quote:Your email has been successfully been sent

I suggest removing one or the other extraneous "been"s... Smile

Bug Reports - ccagle8 - 2009-08-23

haha, i caught this already. It has been fixed in the next release...