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Showing active pages based on mod date - Printable Version

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Showing active pages based on mod date - shawn_a - 2012-07-25

I want to get a list of the most recently modified pages to display on my site.

Anyone know how I can do this with existing plugins or do i need to just write my own code to grab all pages and do the logic ?

For example
The last 10 pages that were updated and when.
With filters, pages must be public and on menu etc.

Showing active pages based on mod date - mvlcek - 2012-07-25

shawn_a Wrote:I want to get a list of the most recently modified pages to display on my site.

Anyone know how I can do this with existing plugins or do i need to just write my own code to grab all pages and do the logic ?

For example
The last 10 pages that were updated and when.
With filters, pages must be public and on menu etc.

The I18N Search plugin allows you to order by publishing date descending (order=date), but it requires you to specify a search word or tag.

Edit: only public pages are indexed, but you can't determine yet, if the page is on the menu or not.

I added an example on how to achieve this on the I18N Search Custom Indexing page.

Showing active pages based on mod date - shawn_a - 2012-07-28

Thanks, Looks promising.

I might be better off writing a component for this it seems, since I don't have tags I can use always.