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TinyMCE issue - Printable Version

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TinyMCE issue - daniel_newdev - 2010-01-31

Hi all, not sure if this has been mentioned earlier, as i was adding the additional features on the Tiny MCE editor, i found using the skin which comes as with the GS CMS, that the table controls and hr, advhr and few others weren't showing up.

After a few hours playing around with it, i decided to add some additional skins, in the skins folder which is located in the admin/template/js/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/skins directory. the skins which show the icons correctly are.
  • default
  • o2k7
If adding additional features to your MCE i suggest using these skins, they can be found at the TinyMCE site.

Hope this has helped, btw i love the GetSimple CMS, giving me the opportunity to improve my dev skills.

TinyMCE issue - Zegnåt - 2010-01-31

First, Chris took away some of the futures as they would often be used wrongly by clients and GetSimple is just more simple without them.

Second, for the new GetSimple version we have switched to CKEditor. For this, a new theme etc had to be looked into so it’ll all change again when GetSimple 2 is released.

TinyMCE issue - daniel_newdev - 2010-01-31

Thanks for the clarification, also any idea when the new version is released?

TinyMCE issue - Zegnåt - 2010-01-31

daniel_newdev Wrote:any idea when the new version is released?
No, there is no time set for a full release yet. You can help us test the beta version though which might bring a full release closer.