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Can't change permissions through ftp? - Printable Version

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Can't change permissions through ftp? - Timbow - 2012-08-28

From support @

Quote:Any permission changes need to be submitted through an email request together with your username and answer to secret question. Please note, we do not allow permissions over 755.

I have never been unable to chmod through filezilla before. Is it common for hosting services to restrict how users can change permissions?

Can't change permissions through ftp? - yojoe - 2012-08-28

It's a rare behaviour and depends on security methods a webhost is using.
Disallowing 777 rights on directories is a radical approach.
From other hand, well written application, shouldn't require 777 rights on a directory to write something inside it.

aside from that, clean GS never required 777 rights, and afair there were not more than 2-3 plugins which needed higher rights.