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Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - Printable Version

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Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - andrew_andrew3 - 2012-09-04

Hello guys. I need some help and I hope someone can help me with my stupid questions.

So , I use GetSimpleCms with the Elegant Theme from here .

I want to integrate in this theme a diferent menu, something like this (First one with that blue button.)

In normal way, using Html and php without a CMS, I just have to use those instructions and everything would be great, but....uhm...Here it's not working.

I am a newbie and I dont even know how to start. Maybe someone could help me in any way? Thanks
I appreciate.

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04


Create folder in your theme folder called 'gooeymenu'

Put all the files for gooeymenu in this folder.

and the 3 images required.

then add them to the <head> of your template file like so.

<link href="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/gooeymenu/gooeymenu.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/gooeymenu/gooeymenu.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

the code examples on the dynamic drive site should work as provided then.

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - andrew_andrew3 - 2012-09-04

Ok, first THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY Smile I really appreciate your help. Second, Because I am a newbie I didn't made it work. No ideea why, but nothing changed.
I created the folder, I uploaded those 5 files, Added in template.php that 2 line code and..nothing happend.

I saw that the Menu has a diferent form on that website like
<ul id="gooeymenu1" class="gelbuttonmenu">
<li><a href="*//*/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="*//*/style/">CSS Codes</a></li>
<li><a href="*://*/forums/">Forums</a></li>
<li><a href="*://*">Tools</a></li>
<li><a href="*://*/" class="selected">JavaScript</a></li>
<li><a href="*:/*>CSS Gallery</a></li>

gooeymenu.setup({id:'gooeymenu1', selectitem:1})

Should I add that too? Or.....?

Link to my test website.

Thanks again.

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04

Insert the code below instead of your menu code and it should work for you.

<ul  id="gooeymenu1" class="gelbuttonmenu">
<li class="current  index"><a href="" title="Bun venit pe prima pagina !">Pagina de casa</a></li>
<li class="test"><a href="" title="PAgina 2">Pagina 2</a></li>
<li class="test-1"><a href="" title="Pagina 3">Pagina 3</a></li>
<li class="gallery"><a href="" title="Gallery">Galerie</a></li>
<li class="contact"><a href="" title="Contact">Contact</a></li>

gooeymenu.setup({id:'gooeymenu1', selectitem:1})

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04

ooops, sorry forgot you also need to include jquery in the <head> tag before your other scripts

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - andrew_andrew3 - 2012-09-04

So in template I remove
<div id="menu-wrapper">
        <div id="menu">
                <?php get_navigation(return_page_slug()); ?>

And transform to
<div id="menu-wrapper">
        <div id="menu">
            <ul  id="gooeymenu1" class="gelbuttonmenu">
<li class="current  index"><a href="" title="Bun venit pe prima pagina !">Pagina de casa</a></li>
<li class="test"><a href="*" title="PAgina 2">Pagina 2</a></li>
<li class="test-1"><a href="*" title="Pagina 3">Pagina 3</a></li>
<li class="gallery"><a href="*" title="Gallery">Galerie</a></li>
<li class="contact"><a href=*" title="Contact">Contact</a></li>

gooeymenu.setup({id:'gooeymenu1', selectitem:1})

I removed the Http because I cant post more than 2 links. And Still after i did that...It don't work. Sad Sorry if I am annoying.

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04

Just move the jquery line before the other 2, as below.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

and change your menu code to

<div id="menu-wrapper">
<div id="menu">
<ul  id="gooeymenu1" class="gelbuttonmenu">
<?php get_navigation(return_page_slug()); ?>

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04

Also because the Gooeymenu script is looking for a CSS class of selected to set the current menu item you'll need to copy the get_navigation function and change it to fix this.

Create a file 'functions.php' in your theme folder and paste the following into it.

function my_get_navigation($currentpage) {

    $menu = '';

    global $pagesArray;
    $pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray,'menuOrder');
    if (count($pagesSorted) != 0) {
        foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) {
            $sel = ''; $classes = '';
            $url_nav = $page['url'];
            if ($page['menuStatus'] == 'Y') {
                if ("$currentpage" == "$url_nav") { $classes = "selected ". $page['parent'] ." ". $url_nav; } else { $classes = trim($page['parent'] ." ". $url_nav); }
                if ($page['menu'] == '') { $page['menu'] = $page['title']; }
                if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = $page['menu']; }
                $menu .= '<li class="'. $classes .'"><a href="'. find_url($page['url'],$page['parent']) . '" title="'. encode_quotes(cl($page['title'])) .'">'.strip_decode($page['menu']).'</a></li>'."\n";
    echo exec_filter('menuitems',$menu);

then use this line instead on your menu:

<?php my_get_navigation(return_page_slug()); ?>

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - andrew_andrew3 - 2012-09-04

Wait..didn't saw your last edit Smile Let me try please.

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04

another fix, change the jquery to 1.7 , think the il8n script need a higher version.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04

on the functions.php file you need to include a <?php
at the very start.

were getting there !! 8)

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - andrew_andrew3 - 2012-09-04

function my_get_navigation($currentpage) {

    $menu = '';

    global $pagesArray;
    $pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray,'menuOrder');
    if (count($pagesSorted) != 0) {
        foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) {
            $sel = ''; $classes = '';
            $url_nav = $page['url'];
            if ($page['menuStatus'] == 'Y') {
                if ("$currentpage" == "$url_nav") { $classes = "selected ". $page['parent'] ." ". $url_nav; } else { $classes = trim($page['parent'] ." ". $url_nav); }
                if ($page['menu'] == '') { $page['menu'] = $page['title']; }
                if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = $page['menu']; }
                $menu .= '<li class="'. $classes .'"><a href="'. find_url($page['url'],$page['parent']) . '" title="'. encode_quotes(cl($page['title'])) .'">'.strip_decode($page['menu']).'</a></li>'."\n";
    echo exec_filter('menuitems',$menu);

Thats the function.php

I used a ?> at the end...It it wrong?

The menu in template
<!-- end #header -->
    <div id="menu-wrapper">
<div id="menu">
<ul  id="gooeymenu1" class="gelbuttonmenu">
<?php my_get_navigation(return_page_slug()); ?>
    <!-- end #menu -->

Still nothing.Sad

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04

seems to be a conflict somewhere with the il8n plugin, can you disable and see if it works.

use Chrome (CTRL-SHIFT-I) or Firefox with firebug to see javascript errors when testing themes.

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - andrew_andrew3 - 2012-09-04

n00dles101 Wrote:seems to be a conflict somewhere with the il8n plugin, can you disable and see if it works.

use Chrome (CTRL-SHIFT-I) or Firefox with firebug to see javascript errors when testing themes.

nothing...or nothing that i can figure about...
Would it be posible , if you have some free time, to have a look with or something? Thanks

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - n00dles101 - 2012-09-04

sent you a PM

Would anyone help a newbie? :) Please? - andrew_andrew3 - 2012-09-04

n00dles101 Wrote:sent you a PM
Problem fixed. Thanks a lot for your help.