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new GS user stupid problem - Printable Version

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new GS user stupid problem - rlopez - 2012-09-21

Hi everyone,

I`ve installed GS and started making up a very tidy simple web site. Everything was running ok, at some point after uploading a huge amount of pictures to the files browser then web site is unable to be viewed. I have also problems to log in. I can just go directly to "Files", "Theme","Backups" and "Login" but am not alowed to go into "pages":

Error del servidor
El sitio web ha detectado un error al recuperar la Es posible que esta esté inactiva debido a tareas de mantenimiento o que se haya configurado de forma incorrecta.
A continuación se detallan algunas sugerencias:
Vuelve a cargar esta página más tarde.
Error de HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error): Se ha detectado una condición inesperada cuando el servidor intentaba atender la solicitud.

I still have the backups, with the picture link broken.

Please help...

I apologise for my rusty english.

new GS user stupid problem - Awilum - 2012-09-21

info need (english please)

new GS user stupid problem - shawn_a - 2012-09-22

Probably a php error , have you installed any plugins ?

Somethign was changed most likely.

new GS user stupid problem - Carlos - 2012-09-22

Like shawn_a, I think you may have changed (or added) something... but anyway, how many files did you upload? Hundreds, thousands?

new GS user stupid problem - rlopez - 2012-09-22

shawn_a Wrote:Probably a php error , have you installed any plugins ?

Somethign was changed most likely.

Hi, problem sorted.
The pictures I uploaded were to big in resolution and therefore my server crashed... I have started from scratch(reinstalling), what is sometimes the best way to carry on, as I haven`t lost an amazing website.
Now is going everything all right.
Thanks for the reply and for the advise.

new GS user stupid problem - rlopez - 2012-09-22

rlopez Wrote:
shawn_a Wrote:Probably a php error , have you installed any plugins ?

Somethign was changed most likely.

Hi, problem sorted.
The pictures I uploaded were to big in resolution and therefore my server crashed... I have started from scratch(reinstalling), what is sometimes the best way to carry on, as I haven`t lost an amazing website.
Now is going everything all right.
Thanks for the reply and for the advise.

Php error, have no installed plugins.
thaks a lot for advise

new GS user stupid problem - shawn_a - 2012-09-22

If you can narrow down exactly how the images crashed your server, we might be able to fix the issue.
Maybe one of the thumbnail creation scripts crashed on an image.

But I cant see why that would occur on the pages page, nothing related to uploads is loaded or suppose to.

Always turn debug mode on when playing with a new server and having issues, or check your php logs.