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Custom redirects doesn´t work as expected - htaccess - Printable Version

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Custom redirects doesn´t work as expected - htaccess - Belletage - 2012-10-22

I´ve some pages (sidebar-text), which are part of others
and I want to redirect their slug-names to the fitting page.

I add the htaccess with
RewriteRule /?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\.html$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]

Redirect /sidebar-slug.html http://www.domain.tld/slug.html

but when I call the side, it happens something like that:

and I see my sidebar-text. :-|

whats the problem there? The RewriteRule - but I need it.
(it works on an other CMS - but I´m not used to server/htaccess-stuff ...)

thanks for help,
best, Bell.

Custom redirects doesn´t work as expected - htaccess - Carlos - 2012-10-22

Have you enabled canonical redirects in gsconfig?

I think the Redirect line should be before the Rewriterule.

Custom redirects doesn´t work as expected - htaccess - shawn_a - 2012-10-22


that L means Last Rule

So you might not be getting there ?

Custom redirects doesn´t work as expected - htaccess - Belletage - 2012-10-23

Hi, thank you,
> Have you enabled canonical redirects in gsconfig?
I tried, but that brings an "redirection loop"-error, if I call domain.tld/sidebar-slug.html

I set Redirect ahead of the RewriteRule
but still the same ...

now I´ve
...RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
Redirect /sidebar-slug.html http://www.domain.tld/slug.html
RewriteRule /?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)\.html$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]

anyhow I have to keep away the ?id=sidebar-slug
in the redirect-case

Custom redirects doesn´t work as expected - htaccess - Carlos - 2012-10-23

I asked about canonical redirects just in case that was the problem. Better keep it disabled.

I don't know much about .htaccess, I hope some other user can help you, sorry.

Custom redirects doesn´t work as expected - htaccess - Carlos - 2012-10-23

You can find some posts with redirection samples for GS in this thread:

Custom redirects doesn´t work as expected - htaccess - Belletage - 2012-10-23

Hi Carlos,
Thanx! So it works like that:
RewriteRule ^sidebar-slug.html$ /slug.html [R=303,L]
easy & best, Bell.