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What do people do for a living? - Sitebee - 2013-02-28

How many of you on here do web dev, coding/programming and online marketing for a living and how many are you do it for fun?

Me ive been doing web dev and seo professionally for about 3 years now, love my love job but it has its moments. I love contributing open source projects such as GetSimple in my spare time, it sharpens the skills and stops me killing myself of boredom lol.

RE: What do people do for a living? - Connie - 2013-02-28

I made website conception and realisation for nearly 20 years, one client for more than 15 years...

now I am off, and continue to do webworking for fun and for cultural websites which need a good web presence...

so I would say: 50% professional (from 1995 to 2012) and 50% fun from 2013 to 2028 ;=)

but I must admit: I do no webwork because of boredom, that is a feeling which I do not know, I better should say I neglect other subjects, topics because of webwork ;=)

RE: What do people do for a living? - shawn_a - 2013-02-28

sitebee can you guve us some direction to implementing in-core SEO tools ?

I am a IT office manager in RL with emphasis in electronic door security and card access systems and POS systems, with some contract programming on the side in the game industry.

The rest of the time I have been fiddling with everything from small electronics, 3d modeling, graphic design and programming for 10+ years. And on the other RL side, gardening and home improvement.

RE: What do people do for a living? - ShaneTFletcher - 2013-02-28

Unemployed sadly due to lake of work in my area Sad.

However, I have started trying to figure out web design and have been for 2-3 years now. Currently making a e-commerce cupcake site and 2 other sites using (of course) GetSimple.

I like to mess around with tweaking computers, laptops and my nitro buggy though Big Grin

RE: What do people do for a living? - shovenose - 2013-03-01

I currently work one day a week at a local computer store/repair shop. Outside of that i do hosting and server stuff occasionally I do webdesign/dev but not so much anymore.

RE: What do people do for a living? - influxweb - 2013-03-01

By day, I'm a senior web developer at an ecommerce software company. Outside of that I have a freelance web design/development business that I started 7.5 years ago. Sadly, I couldn't make it my full-time gig due to the economy. Always looking for partnerships for overflow work though.

RE: What do people do for a living? - MichaelKerns - 2013-05-23

I was doing web development and designing from last 20 years but now because of my lungs and some other health issues i have to stay under medical facility so i live in a aged home here i can't carry my work but most of the time i use to search related things of my profession. Its the reason why i'm here.

RE: What do people do for a living? - Draxeiro - 2013-05-24

I've been working in the graphic design field for 15+ years, a good 9 years of which running my own company full-time ( if anybody is curious, site only in Dutch but you will get the idea).

My work consists of almost anything graphical from corporate identities to advertising campaigns, multimedia cd-roms and designing and building websites for a very diverse clientèle.

At the time I was lucky enough to be able to turn my hobby (graphic design) into my profession and haven't looked back since (and still enjoying it very much after all these years).

Next to work I love spending time with my wife and daughter, am a movie nut, love travelling and enjoy a good game of football (or soccer for you Yanks), both playing and visiting my favorite club Ajax Amsterdam.

RE: What do people do for a living? - el_fuerte - 2013-05-26

I'm primarily a Cold Fusion developer, but also plenty of PHP, CSS, and jQuery. is my employer.

RE: What do people do for a living? - Mark Watson - 2013-06-08

I made website conception and realisation for nearly 20 years, one client for more than 15 years...