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Correct multilevel URLs - Printable Version

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Correct multilevel URLs - artmaxi - 2013-03-25

Guys, how to do multilevel URL relative to navigation?, not (Currently there are only last 2 levels displayed).
Please help, it is urgent for me.

RE: Correct multilevel URLs - topgunx1 - 2013-08-29

Hello everybody,
thanks for this forum and your support.

How artmaxi asked in his above post, when the multilevel URL (relative to navigation) will be implemented?

It's very important for me and in my opinion is necessary to further improve this fantastic CMS.

Could anyone answer me, please?
I'm waiting for this implementation.

Thanks in advance.
Best Regards.

Ps.:It seems that if I manually call a 3rd level page, it's work fine. Example: OK (Default) OK OK (manual call from browser)
In this way is it simple to fix the funcition "add url" into "editform" for insert url with all lvls?

RE: Correct multilevel URLs - Carlos - 2013-08-29

You can do it with the I18N plugin by using a custom permalink structure with a %parents% placeholder instead of %parent%

Yes it would be nice if GS supported this.

RE: Correct multilevel URLs - Carlos - 2013-09-27

I've created an issue about this

RE: Correct multilevel URLs - indyana - 2014-01-07

I just started using GetSimple a few months ago, and this definitely is my most desired feature.