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Contact Us Form Error - Printable Version

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Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-04

Hi There,

Having an issue with my contact us form.

I've inserted the appropriate code into my contact template:
<form action="<?php get_page_url(); ?>" method="post" class="contactform" >
            <?php set_contact_page(); ?>
            <div><b>Name:</b> <input class="text" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['contact']['name'])) { print($_POST['contact']['name']); } ?>" name="contact[name]" /></div>
            <div><b>Email:</b> <input class="text" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['contact']['email'])) { print($_POST['contact']['email']); }?>" name="contact[email]" /></div>
            <div><b>Subject:</b> <input class="text" type="text" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['contact']['subject'])) { print($_POST['contact']['subject']); }?>" name="contact[subject]" /></div>
            <div><b>Message:</b> <textarea class="text" name="contact[body]" ><?php if (isset($_POST['contact']['body'])) { print($_POST['contact']['body']); } ?></textarea></div>
            <div class="pot" ><input class="text" type="text" value="" name="contact[pot]" /></div>
            <div><input type="submit" value="Send Email" id="contact-submit" name="contact-submit" /></div>

When i submit no text comes up on the page.

In the html, i get this:
<p class="contactmsg success"></p>

When i turn on debug mode, i see this in the form before submitting:

Notice: Constant GSIMAGEWIDTH already defined in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 16
Notice: Constant GSDEBUG already defined in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 19
Notice: Undefined variable: i18n in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 53
Notice: Undefined variable: i18n in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 72
Notice: Undefined variable: i18n in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 72
Notice: Undefined variable: i18n in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 102

After i see:
Notice: Constant GSIMAGEWIDTH already defined in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 16
Notice: Constant GSDEBUG already defined in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 19
Notice: Undefined variable: i18n in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 72
Notice: Undefined variable: i18n in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 72
Notice: Undefined variable: i18n in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ on line 102

What i find, is i cannot echo

Which suggests something is wrong with the language file, however i also do not receive an email.

Contact Us Form Error - internet54 - 2010-03-05

I should write a simple email plugin.

Contact Us Form Error - Zegnåt - 2010-03-05

I think we should phase this out of the standard build as soon as possible anyway. Different people have been reporting problems with it and we’d much rather see a plugin for it anyway. Need to ask though, what version of GetSimple are we talking about? A couple of different ones are going around at the same time currently.

Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-05

I'm currently using the r3 beta of 2

It's all good, i'll just find a form mailer Smile

Contact Us Form Error - internet54 - 2010-03-05

Ziggy, I'm working on the plugin and it should be done very soon.

Contact Us Form Error - ccagle8 - 2010-03-05

at the top of /admin/inc/contactform.php can you add this code, right above the "//debugging"? Let me know what happens.
global $i18n;

Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-05

Sure, give me a ti cand i'll ftp in and add it.

Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-05

Well that's done the job as far as the text now displays ('Your email has successfully been sent')

However the email still is not. Do i need to configure something in the config for it? smtp server perhaps?

Debug mode only shows:
Notice: Constant GSIMAGEWIDTH already defined in /home/wwwinsp/public_html/adamwolfs/clients/ on line 16
Notice: Constant GSDEBUG already defined in /home/wwwinsp/public_html/adamwolfs/clients/ on line 19

Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-05

Oops i was wrong, email does show up! yay Big Grin

Was just in junk. So yeah, just needs the global call at the top!

Contact Us Form Error - internet54 - 2010-03-05

Just finished, captcha and all.

Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-05

Looks good thus far! would you be offended if i took it, and built on top of it?

Happy to upload and give credit.

Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-05

Like the first thing is i would like to create an admin section to allow the settings to be set.

Also would like for people to be able to set their own fields in the form Smile

Contact Us Form Error - Zegnåt - 2010-03-05

crashfellow Wrote:Like the first thing is I would like to create an admin section to allow the settings to be set.
Also would like for people to be able to set their own fields in the form Smile
Are you going to work on this, crashfellow? Or are you, internet54? If neither, I have some time today so I might be able to create a nice admin interface for a contact form.

Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-05

Hey Zeg, Well it's not my plugin so it's really up to internet54 Smile if you wanna do it, i don't mind if you go for it.

Contact Us Form Error - internet54 - 2010-03-06

That is what I have planned for the plugin, but if you guys want to fight over it, by all means fight.

If you are going to expand on it, please make it as simple and easy to use as possible.


Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-06

No fighting will occur lol your plugin man Smile this was pure speculation as it depended on how far you wanted to go with it Smile can't wait to see how it goes!

Contact Us Form Error - internet54 - 2010-03-06

I like fighting Wink

I'll work a little more on it tonight when I get home. I just fixed a variable issue and implemented a multi-captcha system.

Contact Us Form Error - crashfellow - 2010-03-06

Haha fair enough. Ok look forward to seeing the future builds.

Contact Us Form Error - FredK - 2010-03-09

@internet54 - Thanks for the plugin, it saved me a bit of a headache just now. Of course I had to rewrite the output a bit to fit my (HTML5) construction, but that was expected and no problems. Much appreciated.

Contact Us Form Error - internet54 - 2010-03-09

Thanks Fred. I'm looking to update it soon, but paid work persists Smile

Contact Us Form Error - thkro - 2010-03-09

Installed the contact-plugin and I tried implementing the code into my contact.php template page but the form is not showing up.

<div class="postcontent">
<?php if (function_exists('sc_show')) { sc_show(); } ?>

Not sure what i am doing wrong.

Contact Us Form Error - Zegnåt - 2010-03-09

Did you select the contact.php page as the template for your contact page under page options?
If so, please reinstall the plugin to be sure there is no problem there either.

Still nothing turning up? No PHP errors either? You might want to enable debug mode to be able to find certain errors for us to look into.

Contact Us Form Error - thkro - 2010-03-09

Tried in debug mode and got some php errors on the plugin...

Notice: Undefined variable: thisfile in public_html/fleetafrica/plugins/simple-contact.php on line 103
Notice: Undefined variable: thisfile in public_html/fleetafrica/plugins/simple-contact.php on line 104

Lines 103 and 104 in plugin are...
add_action('content-top', 'sc_mail', array($thisfile, 'Simple Contact'));
add_action('content-bottom', 'sc_form', array($thisfile, 'Simple Contact'));

Contact Us Form Error - Zegnåt - 2010-03-09

In the plugins topic here on the forums internet54 published the fix for that. Apparently he hasn’t updated his downloadable plugin yet.

Contact Us Form Error - thkro - 2010-03-10

thanks. tried the fix and got no errors but the form did not show using the function
<?php if (function_exists('sc_show')) { sc_show(); } ?>

I instead used the following functions on the contact page and works fine now.
<?php if (function_exists('sc_mail')) { sc_mail(); } ?>
<?php if (function_exists('sc_form')) { sc_form(); } ?>