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SimpleTheme! - eddyfever - 2009-08-07

I created a theme called SimpleTheme!. Name says it all, a nice, clean & modern looking website wich can be used for projects running on GetSimple! and is really easy to edit to your needs.

[img=SimpleTheme! screenshot][/img]

version 1.1 available on

Pages inlcuded
v1.0 Normal - Basic layout
v1.0 Menu Right - Basic with menu on the right
v1.0 2 columns - Basic with 2 columns at the bottom
v1.1 Features - With featured box at the top of the page
v1.1 Features 2 - With 2 featured boxes at the top of the page
v1.1 Sliding - Based on Features but with Jquery Sliding Div

- Menu on top
- Flickr and Twitter implementation
- Single media pag for photo or video
- Implementation of jquery (lightbox etc...)

Comments & errors about this theme can be posted over here.

SimpleTheme! - ccagle8 - 2009-08-07

Very nice Eddy. I like it!

SimpleTheme! - eddyfever - 2009-08-07

Thank you, i 'm working on a lot of page layout's for SimpleTheme! latest one is this one with the featured box on top.
and with two boxes

Totally different layouts will come later.
This morning i was trying to make a iPhone theme with iWebkit but with this i have to fix a lot of things. So this one will come...

SimpleTheme! - Derek - 2009-08-08

Good job! You beat me to posting the theme, looks nice though!

SimpleTheme! - ccagle8 - 2009-08-08

i can't wait to see everyone's themes!!!

SimpleTheme! - eddyfever - 2009-08-08

Thanx derek, and yeh me too. I'm looking forward to everybody's idea's. Because with this CMS it's really easy.

SimpleTheme! - eddyfever - 2009-08-08

New version available! i really like the one with the sliding div:

SimpleTheme! - n00dles101 - 2009-08-08

all working fine in Chrome BTW...

SimpleTheme! - Derek - 2009-08-08

n00dles101 Wrote:all working fine in Chrome BTW...
Windows and Mac Versions.

SimpleTheme! - eddyfever - 2009-08-08

Thank you guys, and derek are you working on a theme too?
i'm suprised that i'm still the only one here with a theme posted.

SimpleTheme! - kristjanmik - 2009-08-08

Nice theme!
Maybe I will make some themes and post it

SimpleTheme! - ccagle8 - 2009-08-08

I really like it Eddy.

Once we get a few more listed here, I will create a page on the main site linking to all the themes available.

SimpleTheme! - pixelita - 2009-08-23

Wow, it resembles a bit my Blank Stare theme which we originally created for WordPress and which we ported to CMS Made Simple, and which you can see here running CMSMS:

So I am wondering if there's any point in porting Blank Stare to GS? The difference between BS and the Simple Theme is that Blank Stare is a one column theme, although I was working on an alternate page template that offers sidebar/feature contents since I went ahead and included one when I ported it to CMSMS.

SimpleTheme! - jeckyl - 2009-08-26


Very nice theme.

I would like to know if I can use the getsimple logo you create to make a link to get-simple on my site ?

SimpleTheme! - eddyfever - 2009-08-26

Ofcourse you can, but remember its not the official logo from Get Simple

SimpleTheme! - jeckyl - 2009-08-27

Hi, and Thanks.

Of course i d'on't forget but there are no official logo now.

Maybe yours became official ...

SimpleTheme! - badcat - 2009-08-28

What are you folks talking about !?! This is the logo:

[img=GetSimple Logo][/img]

and it's awesome (and simple) Tongue

SimpleTheme! - jeckyl - 2009-08-28

Sorry, Sorry,

Very simple like the spirit of this dev.

SimpleTheme! - lynkt - 2010-04-06

The Simple Theme is awsome!
I really want to get in on the action of building themes, but I am CSS iliterate, where do I start? I can hand code html, clueless on how to make a theme with CSS.
I think Get Simple rocks! My clients barely know how to work in Word so Joomla just overloads the heck out of them!

SimpleTheme! - Johonwayni - 2010-04-14


SimpleTheme! - peterbuyk - 2010-06-19

Can we use this theme also on version 2.01

SimpleTheme! - sertorre - 2010-06-20

very nice...
i'd like to use as default theme for a GS

SimpleTheme! - gerold - 2010-09-02

this is really a clean design and a superb logo too

SimpleTheme! - rfuller - 2011-01-24

Pixelita is this theme available for download & ported to GetSimple?

I love this theme very clean looking and easy to navigate

Help a fellow texasan out here Pixelita!


pixelita Wrote:Wow, it resembles a bit my Blank Stare theme which we originally created for WordPress and which we ported to CMS Made Simple, and which you can see here running CMSMS:

So I am wondering if there's any point in porting Blank Stare to GS? The difference between BS and the Simple Theme is that Blank Stare is a one column theme, although I was working on an alternate page template that offers sidebar/feature contents since I went ahead and included one when I ported it to CMSMS.

SimpleTheme! - tazmandev - 2011-03-23

Hello, did anyone tested this theme with gs 3.0 ?

And, btw, eddyfever super great job.