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Please help re fancy urls and htaccess - Printable Version

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Please help re fancy urls and htaccess - banter - 2010-04-02

I have done a search on the forum and I think my problem is fancy urls and the htaccess file. The index page is showing but any other page I add gets a 404 error if I have fancy urls on. They show up fine when I turn fancy urls off. I have GS in the root folder (I think that is what it is called ie is the index page.

This is the contents of my htaccess file:
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
RewriteEngine on

# Usually it RewriteBase is just '/', but
# replace it with your subdirectory path
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule /?([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/?$ index.php?id=$1 [QSA,L]

Please let me know what I need to do to turn fancy urls back on!

Please help re fancy urls and htaccess - Zegnåt - 2010-04-02

The HTACCESS seems right, please check with your hosting whether mod_rewrite and/or HTACCESS files are allowed.

Please help re fancy urls and htaccess - banter - 2010-04-02

Thank you! I checked with my host, they said mod_rewrite and HTACCESS files are allowed. :/

Please help re fancy urls and htaccess - Zegnåt - 2010-04-02

So, the HTACCESS is in the root of your GetSimple installation, Fancy URLs are turned on and both mod_rewrite and HTACCESS is allowed on your server? I don’t think I have any ideas left.

Though, if you have GetSimple in a subdirectory, note that you might need to change the RewriteBase in the .htaccess-file.

Please help re fancy urls and htaccess - banter - 2010-04-02

Yes all of the above, but I worked it out by installing it on another domain and comparing the files.

The .htaccess file was called temp.htaccess but on the new test installation there was a regular .htaccess file. I didn't realise that temp.htaccess was wrong, but when I changed it to .htaccess it works now!

I really love the ease and simplicity of GS and I am so glad I got the fancy urls working, I am too happy Big Grin

Please help re fancy urls and htaccess - hansvries - 2010-08-11

Zegnåt Wrote:So, the HTACCESS is in the root of your GetSimple installation, Fancy URLs are turned on and both mod_rewrite and HTACCESS is allowed on your server? I don’t think I have any ideas left.

Though, if you have GetSimple in a subdirectory, note that you might need to change the RewriteBase in the .htaccess-file.

thanks, rewrite base was wrong at my site, that did it!