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PROBLEM Permission problems with files on the server - Printable Version

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Permission problems with files on the server - Vlad74 - 2015-03-27

Hi guys!
Just found that nice cms and made a site using it.
But, I have problems with file permisions on the server side when I uploaded the files.

First I made a site (desig, etc.) on the local PC. Then, tryed to follow the instructions on the moving site to server, starting from the clean installation.
I uploaded via ftp installation package and tryed to access the admin area. Got a lot of warning messages, like "failed to open stream: Permission denied in" etc. So changed CHMOD to 777 make me able to install the cms, but with some problems with removing install.php and setup.php files.. and the installation process could not rename the config file.
So, then I tryed to copy the files via ftp to server. Did it without errors.
Finally I clear one thing - when I copied files via ftp, FTP-login account is the owner of the files, and when the files were made via web-interface - the owner is "www".. So I had to change chmod to 777 in order to make configuration settings and plugin settings.. It started to stores data and save settings, but I have notice in web-interface, in the upper side, that it could not save files and ask me to check permissions.
So, as I undertood, the problem is because of different owners of files.

Can someone suggest me what to do?
Thanks in advance...

RE: Permission problems with files on the server - simplycrazy - 2015-04-01

what type of host? is it running a control panel of some sort? if so, here's what i do to get cms files on a host, and it's way faster than ftping a bazillion little files....

1. download and save it locally.
2. extract that file locally
3. go into the newly extracted folder GetSimpleCMS-3.3. the one that contains admin/backups/data/plugins/theme folders and index.php, readme, robots, config, etc files.
4. select all of those files and folders and make a new zip file

essentially this part is simply removing the first level folder from the zip so the root of the archive is the same as what will be the root of the site.. now to put it on the server.....

5. login to web host's web-based control panel (cpanel, plesk, da, hsphere, etc)
6. use its web-based file manager to upload the newly created zip file to what will be the site's root
7. use the unzipper/decompress tool of the web file manager to unzip the archive right where it sits.
8. ta-da. all the cms files are now exactly where they need to be, and permissions *should* be right too