2010-01-22, 06:03:00
As a newbie, who sometimes gets a little too cocky, I find myself screwing up. Anyway, in terms of the function/components posted here in the Scripts & Components forum, I am confused as to the appropriate method to call them. Would the following be correct?
Function: Per Page Components.
<?php component_master('sidebar'); ?>
Function: TagCloud
<?php function tagCloud(); ?>
Function: Multi-Level Navigation.
<?php menu_master(); ?>
Function: Advanced Mulit Level Treewalker Navigation
<?php print template_tiered_menu(); ?>
Function: Get Content Published in Other Page
<?php getSubpagesList(); ?>
As a newbie, who sometimes gets a little too cocky, I find myself screwing up. Anyway, in terms of the function/components posted here in the Scripts & Components forum, I am confused as to the appropriate method to call them. Would the following be correct?
Function: Per Page Components.
<?php component_master('sidebar'); ?>
Function: TagCloud
<?php function tagCloud(); ?>
Function: Multi-Level Navigation.
<?php menu_master(); ?>
Function: Advanced Mulit Level Treewalker Navigation
<?php print template_tiered_menu(); ?>
Function: Get Content Published in Other Page
<?php getSubpagesList(); ?>