2010-03-21, 22:48:21
A quick-and-dirty function to display multi-level menus.
Edit: it will not work on GetSimple versions before 2.01 (thanks Zegnåt)
Edit again: bugfix 1.1
1. Create a text file (e.g. menu1.txt) like this:
... Upload it to data/other
2. In your theme's functions.php (create it if does not exist) insert this function:
3. In your theme's template.php (e.g. in the sidebar) insert this code:
That's it. Suggestions and corrections welcome.
Demo here
PS could be better to use a Component instead of text files, however this way you are able to include several different menus.
Edit: it will not work on GetSimple versions before 2.01 (thanks Zegnåt)
Edit again: bugfix 1.1
1. Create a text file (e.g. menu1.txt) like this:
No slug, text label
2. In your theme's functions.php (create it if does not exist) insert this function:
// Simple Tree Menu v1.1 by Carlos Navarro
function simple_tree_menu($menufilename){
$menufile = file('data/other/'.$menufilename);
$prevlevel = -1;
foreach ($menufile as $thisline) {
if (trim($thisline) != '') {
$thislevel = substr_count($thisline,'#');
$thisline = trim( str_replace('#','',$thisline) );
$diff=$thislevel - $prevlevel;
if ($diff == 1)
echo '<ul class="menulevel-'.$thislevel.'"><li>';
if ($diff < 0) {
while ($diff < 0) {
echo '</li></ul>';
if ($diff==0)
echo '</li><li>';
if (file_exists('data/pages/'.$thisline.'.xml')) {
$thisfile = @file_get_contents('data/pages/'.$thisline.'.xml');
$data = simplexml_load_string($thisfile);
if ($data->menu != '')
$thistitle = $data->menu; // display menu text if present
$thistitle = $data->title; // if not, display page title
echo '<a href="'.find_url($data->url,$data->parent).'">'.$thistitle.'</a>';
else {
echo $thisline; // if page doesn't exist, display string
$prevlevel = $thislevel;
for( $i=0; $i <= $thislevel; $i++) echo '</li></ul>';
3. In your theme's template.php (e.g. in the sidebar) insert this code:
<?php simple_tree_menu('menu1.txt'); ?>
That's it. Suggestions and corrections welcome.
Demo here
PS could be better to use a Component instead of text files, however this way you are able to include several different menus.