I thought it might be interesting to share with other folks how I am tracking my site visitor info.
Place the following code at the begining of the root directory index.php file.
Each time your site is visited, it will enter visitor information into a file in the root directory called "visitor.log".
A typical entry looks like this...
2016.02.17 07:15:19 {"ip":"","country_code":"US","country_name":"United States","region_code":"OR","region_name":"Oregon","city":"Ontario","zip_code":"97914","time_zone":"America/Boise","latitude":44.0861,"longitude":-117.0188,"metro_code":757}
One word of caution before everybody gets all excited. The lookup time to this public database is about 3 seconds, so there is some page load latency .
During high internet usage, this free db may return blank or report "try again later"
My logs show about 1 out of 10 requests fail. And they may fail for periods of 2-3 minutes when I am testing.
This "Jason" data dump can be manipulated by a spreadsheet, database, or custom PHP program. At some time in the future I will probably write a custom analysis program in PHP. I use it to see daily activity and I find the the country of origin fascinating.
I do not know how to make plugins and don't expect to take the time to learn. But, if someone wants to take the time to convert this to a plugin, I would willingly contribute a db analysis.
A couple of enhancements that some folks might want is to limit the file size by date or size. Since I regularly do backups and ftp into my site, I regularly reset the file.
To trim the file to a certain number of lines, this routine can be used.
Place the following code at the begining of the root directory index.php file.
PHP Code:
/* +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
| Visitor Log |
+-----------------------------------------------------------------+ */
function get_ip_location($ip) {
$location = file_get_contents('http://freegeoip.net/json/'.$ip);
return $location;
$ip = "";
if(isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ) {
else if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) ) {
else if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) ) {
else {
$ip ="No IP";
if ($ip != "No IP") {
$location = get_ip_location ($ip);
} else {
$info = date('Y.m.d H:i:s');
$info .= " ".$location;
Each time your site is visited, it will enter visitor information into a file in the root directory called "visitor.log".
A typical entry looks like this...
2016.02.17 07:15:19 {"ip":"","country_code":"US","country_name":"United States","region_code":"OR","region_name":"Oregon","city":"Ontario","zip_code":"97914","time_zone":"America/Boise","latitude":44.0861,"longitude":-117.0188,"metro_code":757}
One word of caution before everybody gets all excited. The lookup time to this public database is about 3 seconds, so there is some page load latency .
During high internet usage, this free db may return blank or report "try again later"
My logs show about 1 out of 10 requests fail. And they may fail for periods of 2-3 minutes when I am testing.
This "Jason" data dump can be manipulated by a spreadsheet, database, or custom PHP program. At some time in the future I will probably write a custom analysis program in PHP. I use it to see daily activity and I find the the country of origin fascinating.
I do not know how to make plugins and don't expect to take the time to learn. But, if someone wants to take the time to convert this to a plugin, I would willingly contribute a db analysis.
A couple of enhancements that some folks might want is to limit the file size by date or size. Since I regularly do backups and ftp into my site, I regularly reset the file.
To trim the file to a certain number of lines, this routine can be used.
// trim file size
$max_lines = 10000;
$lines = file('visitor.log');
$line_cnt = count($lines);
if ($line_cnt > $max_lines) {
$delete_line = $line_cnt - $max_lines;
$lines = array_splice($lines, $delete_line);
// Write to file
$file = fopen('visitor.log', 'w');
fwrite($file,implode('', $lines));