2011-11-29, 23:42:53
GetSimple includes the CKEditor as WYSISWYG-Editor. However the editor-lifecycle is shorter than GetSimple's version-cycle.
So the shipped editor is not uptodate, while GS is still uptodate ;=)
What to do, if you want to update the CKEditor version because of bug fixes or new editor-features?
That is not very difficult.
I describe the update-process in the WIKI.
But as an example, you can test the new CKEditor 3.6.2-GetSimple-Edition already, which I prepared today:
- download the ZIP from the german get-simple-site, as it is 519kb, too big for the support-forum
- unpack it at your local harddisk
- connect to your GetSimple-installation at the server
- switch to \admin\templates\js\ckeditor
- rename this folder "ckeditor" to "ckeditor-old" or
- backup that folder and delete it then
- upload the new ckeditor-folder to your server
- test
the download-adress is: http://www.get-simple.de/data/uploads/do..._3-6-2.zip
you will see it will work (if not, reply here so I can check what I did wrong)
Cheers, Connie
So the shipped editor is not uptodate, while GS is still uptodate ;=)
What to do, if you want to update the CKEditor version because of bug fixes or new editor-features?
That is not very difficult.
I describe the update-process in the WIKI.
But as an example, you can test the new CKEditor 3.6.2-GetSimple-Edition already, which I prepared today:
- download the ZIP from the german get-simple-site, as it is 519kb, too big for the support-forum
- unpack it at your local harddisk
- connect to your GetSimple-installation at the server
- switch to \admin\templates\js\ckeditor
- rename this folder "ckeditor" to "ckeditor-old" or
- backup that folder and delete it then
- upload the new ckeditor-folder to your server
- test
the download-adress is: http://www.get-simple.de/data/uploads/do..._3-6-2.zip
you will see it will work (if not, reply here so I can check what I did wrong)
Cheers, Connie
Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum: http://get-simple.info/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=18
Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum: http://get-simple.info/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=18