2010-04-26, 04:39:44
Just got a 404 error email with the following in it, see the URL it points to?:
This is an automated message from your website...<br /><br />A 'page not found' error was encountered on the www.55002koyli.com domain<br /><br/>DETAILS:<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />When: Sun Apr 25 2010 6:59:20 pm BST<br />Who:<br />Failed Page: http://www.55002koyli.com/newsite/index.....txt???<br />Referrer: <br />Browser: mozilla 3.0
This is the 3rd one this weekend from different sites. I have captured the text file but will not post it there as its looks like dodgy code.
Also the 404 error page email is showing code, is this a bug?
This is an automated message from your website...<br /><br />A 'page not found' error was encountered on the www.55002koyli.com domain<br /><br/>DETAILS:<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />When: Sun Apr 25 2010 6:59:20 pm BST<br />Who:<br />Failed Page: http://www.55002koyli.com/newsite/index.....txt???<br />Referrer: <br />Browser: mozilla 3.0
This is the 3rd one this weekend from different sites. I have captured the text file but will not post it there as its looks like dodgy code.
Also the 404 error page email is showing code, is this a bug?
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