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Add edit-content ...
We should add another hook below the content area:

<label for="post-content" style="display:none;"><?php echo $i18n['LABEL_PAGEBODY']; ?></label>
<textarea class="set-example-text" id="post-content" rel="<?php echo $i18n['LABEL_PAGEBODY']; ?>" name="post-content"><?php echo @$content; ?></textarea>

<?php exec_action('edit-content'); ?>

or even better...make the label and textarea a core we can rewrite it..that would allow plugins to rewrite "page-types" on the would be a first step towards a CCK...major rock!
Are you wanting a hook in the edit content or within the generated page? (I am being to lazy to go and look for this code, though I do believe it belongs to the Create/Edit Page)

If I am correct and this is within the Create/Edit Page then I agree, I am unable to find any hooks within the create/edit page options and etc.
JWH Technologies
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Yup exactly.

There is a hook already in the options panel...(edit-extras, which is used by a great plugin - Custom Fields ) but extending the editing and adding capabilities directly would be nice.

Maybe ill whip up a CCK like plugin which allows for different page types (would need to modify the core slightly to get a user-friendly experience....)

This would allow for creating pages with custom data types...and would move simplecms into an entire new powerful direction
added this hook to GS 2.02
- Chris
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