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similar cms
I found by accident this cms project which seems to have similar goals:

Here is a description, userguide and demo-link:

Maybe some of it's ideas can be used in GetSimple. I realy liked the way the user edits parts of the website, shown in the demo. The way to edit parts of the website instead of editing some pages in a cms, where the user still has to see what it looks like, seems to make more sense (to me).

demo admin (login = bottom right):

Username: admin Password: pass

btw I'm not a fanboy of this cms, who want to get attention. I just find it interesting enough for an off topic topic.
datiswous Wrote:Maybe some of it's ideas can be used in GetSimple. I realy liked the way you edit parts of the website, shown in the demo. In this way you see yourself editing parts of your website instead of editing some pages in a cms, where you still have to see what it looks like, seems to make more sense.

who is you?????? Me? You? An intended Demo-User of that system? Or whoever?

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Connie Wrote:
datiswous Wrote:Maybe some of it's ideas can be used in GetSimple. I realy liked the way you edit parts of the website, shown in the demo. In this way you see yourself editing parts of your website instead of editing some pages in a cms, where you still have to see what it looks like, seems to make more sense.

who is you?????? Me? You? An intended Demo-User of that system? Or whoever?


With you I mean the person who would use the website. But I will change my text, it might look strange...
I guess this is alright, but I much prefer the admin panel, MySQL or not rather than the class CMS'. This reminds me of WebYep if you want to google up on that. And others such as perch, cushy etc.

It's that good though, they dont have a registered domain using their own CMS :p.
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oToom Wrote:I guess this is alright, but I much prefer the admin panel, MySQL or not rather than the class CMS'. This reminds me of WebYep if you want to google up on that. And others such as perch, cushy etc.

It's that good though, they dont have a registered domain using their own CMS :p.

I looked at WebYep, Perch and Cushy. This concept in a cms is new for me. Those 3 are commercial, Editease is open source (so part of the code could in theory be used in GetSimple).

Quote:It's that good though, they dont have a registered domain using their own CMS :p.

I think it's not they, but he. A one-guy-project. I don't recommend it highly or anything, but find the aproach interesting. But ok the idea is not new it seams.
Another interesting project:

Admin part looks similar. I like the documentation on (allmost) every part of the admin part (see screenshots). I just think there are other good projects GetSimple can learn from.
I used Cushy back when it just started to be around, when it was totally free. Was decent, but never my kind of thing, sing into that site to edit another site. Rather have an admin panel on the actual site to edit pages haha.

Perch and WebYep I never delved into if i'm honest. These are slightly different to the way Cushy works, but still it adds the class. My mate uses webyep fro his portfolio website, and it seem's to work for what he needs.

Again, these kind of CMS' you have to think of the correct time to use them. GetSimple, WebYep etc etc are all good for the simple company / portfolio type website. When it comes to 1000's of users, 1000's pages etc, then XML would mainly have to change to MySQL and in that case i'de prefer to go for likes of Wordpress. Smile
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oToom Wrote:Again, these kind of CMS' you have to think of the correct time to use them. GetSimple, WebYep etc etc are all good for the simple company / portfolio type website. When it comes to 1000's of users, 1000's pages etc, then XML would mainly have to change to MySQL and in that case i'de prefer to go for likes of Wordpress. Smile

In that case I would use CMSMadeSimple, but I do not know why this discussion here..

what is the sense talking about other systems here?

If you want to get information on other systems, go to cms-matrix

If there is no feature-comparison in your posts then there is no advantage for the forum here.

in case you want to advertise there is still space for adverts left ;=)

Just my 5 cents on this thread, cheers


Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:In that case I would use CMSMadeSimple, but I do not know why this discussion here..

what is the sense talking about other systems here?

If you want to get information on other systems, go to cms-matrix

If there is no feature-comparison in your posts then there is no advantage for the forum here.

in case you want to advertise there is still space for adverts left ;=)

Just my 5 cents on this thread, cheers


I did it to inform about interesting projects where I think some idea's (only parts of a cms-project) might be used for GetSimple.

For example I realy like the way Wordpress does it's auto update thing, but I read somewhere on this forum this might be build for version 3.1...

But ok, maybe my descriptions are bad. I should better point out what I think is a good idea, etc.

btw. I think Wordpress and CMS made simple (got more bloated over the time) both have to many options to be called "simple". If you want something bigger but still keeping it simple, I think you might go for Websitebaker or Wolfcms (pointed out before), but let's not talk about that.
Correct, I even found that theming, CSS'ing etc the news and blog plugin for CMSMS was more of a task than learning Wordpress from start. Both have a huge community, but Wordpress is my say, (haven't heard of Website baker, and Wolf still seems very new?)

Connie, this is off-topic chat, anything goes in here that is off topic to Get-Simple. We are not advertising, we are simply showing other websites that may help GetSimple, being open source and all. We weren't asking for information on these other CMS's, google can do that.

Infact, 3 of the ones I mentioned are a totally different aspect to this website so are in no way competition. If this was a problem, I'm sure Chris would have pointed it out to us. Which, he hasn't just yet, if he does then fair enough.
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nope - i dont care what gets talked about here: it's off-topic chat.

We could probably glean some ideas off those other projects - but most of my inspiration has come from WordPress. I am still very good with developing with that platform (I even used it for the new GS Blog)

I love Wordpress and still fully support it - but sometimes it's just a little too bloated for certain non-blog type websites.
- Chris
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oToom Wrote:Correct, I even found that theming, CSS'ing etc the news and blog plugin for CMSMS was more of a task than learning Wordpress from start. Both have a huge community, but Wordpress is my say, (haven't heard of Website baker, and Wolf still seems very new?)

Yeah I don't know a lot about Wolf cms, just found it. It does seem to have allready a lot of functionallity and plugins. It seems that is has a certain connection with FrogCMS (I heard Chris tested this cms), it also has far more theme's available (on the website).

I used websitebaker for a while. It looked similar to CMS made simple, but at the moment still has a non bloated user friendly interface. I stopped using it mainly becouse it didn't have a good way of uploading multiple files (this was later added), theme creation was pretty easy.
Yes Chris, I totally agree, I mean, I have barely even touched Wordpress but can still tell that for some sites, it would just be too much.
You tend to get a trend, the more complex websites, with the more features, blog, etc, the clients tend to know a little bit more about computers and the web etc. Therefore will find the navigation of those extra widgets and components easier. Whereas, the simpler websites are those that wish to simply show what their company does, say Window Cleaning, or Plumbing with minimal optimization and editing of their website. They show their services, contact, about, and maybe even a gallery or whatnot. This isn't always the case, but the majority I find it is.

I will eventually delve into Wordpress, give it a go. In fact, I have a few designs that I am going to code up in the next couple of days, did them mainly for GS, but may also give them a go in wordpress Smile

datiswous, I thought the same, that WolfCMS and FrogCMS both looked pretty similar.

Chris, Get-Simple will be perfect once it has a propper Blog plugin Wink
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