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admin style error
I got getsimple working on a windows 2008 pro r2 server.
Even got URLrewrite working with the Helicon ISAPI addon.

but somehow I can't get the admin theme loaded. I keep getting the error on the admin page

GET http://intranet3/admin/template/style.php?v=3.0 500 (Internal Server Error)

this must be just a minor setting, but I just can't find which one...

anyone ideas ?

Thanx in advance
can you remove the "?v=3.0" from the URL and try again?
- Chris
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Please do not email me directly for help regarding GetSimple. Please post all your questions/problems in the forum!

Somehow the "style.php" isn't processed correct.

I tried to debug the pages and when I create a style.css from the css-code in the style.php, and change the page's code (in Firebug) and link it to the style.css. Approximately 80% of the style functions, but still not 100%.
(see attached screenshot)

I'm not a php-guru, so I don't understand why only the code from the admin pages doesn't function on a windows server...

Hope you can help, because I really like to keep using GETSIMPLE... (it rocks!!)
solved it!!

Somehow the php-code in the "style.php" can't be resolved within IIS.

Created a new stylesheet and replaced all ECHO PRIMARY tags _0 through _6 and SECONDARY _0 and _1 with the correct colour numbers. AND deleted all PHP code within the first 44 lines. Saved it as a style_new.css (see attached) and changed the link in "header.php" to this stylesheet. and presto!

I got GetSimple and the admin dashboard to work on a Windows Server 2008 R2.

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