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Events plugin
SlazZe Wrote:1. I add a new event using admin panel.
2. The following should be stand in the sidebar:

(1) DD/MM/YY Event Titel (Location)
(2) DD/MM/YY Event Titel (Location)

Having the date information in admin sidebar isn't necessary since you select the event from calendar and have all of the date information available to you in the admin calendar.

SlazZe Wrote:3. The following should be stand in the content:

(1) Event Titel
DD/MM/YY - (Location)

Comment/Content descended on the event

The content is already as such when looking at month:
12 November 2011
*Event2 04:00 to 05:00 test location
*new event 07:00 to 08:00 test location
*Test Event 09:00 to 10:00 test location

When selecting a specific day, all the events for that day are rendered in page with their content.

When you click on the event title then it will drill-down into that event to display the event-specific content.

This all appears to be correct behavior and rendering.

SlazZe Wrote:And if I click on the event titles '<a>' the sidebar is still 'DD/MM/YY Event Titel (Location)', but the Event Title is linked to the single event using
'(1) Event Titel
DD/MM/YY - (Location)

Comment/Content descended on the event'

As far as the sidebar is concerned, I use the following in Theme>Edit Components for the Event Calendar component, as illustrated in the readme documentation with the plugin:
<?php echo events_calendar() ?>
<?php echo '<h2>Upcoming events</h2><div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events/', 'strong').'</div>' ?>

The sidebar updates the upcoming events with the change of URL when event link is clicked.
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides
riche Wrote:I've deleted the events.xml and refreshed the cache, created 2 new events but it's still the same, it is a perplexing problem .... Sad.

Wow, I'm really bumming out that I haven't been able to assist you thus far :-( Perhaps it is a mod_rewrite issue. I think you said your host doesn't allow mod_rewrite, but it might be worth creating a ticket with them to verify that they can't put you on apache as a fast cgi application with mod_rewrite enabled, rather than using the shared apache server. This is a standard web developer need, I would be surprised if they don't support it somehow.
"A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it." __Paul Atreides

Your code is pointing to the wrong page, the links in the events list point to the page "events", but they should point to "events-calendar" to work.

change this line:
<?php echo '<h2>Upcoming events</h2><div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events/', 'strong').'</div>' ?>

<?php echo '<h2>Upcoming events</h2><div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events-calendar/', 'strong').'</div>' ?>
ee0pdt Wrote:Riche:

Your code is pointing to the wrong page, the links in the events list point to the page "events", but they should point to "events-calendar" to work.

change this line:
<?php echo '<h2>Upcoming events</h2><div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events/', 'strong').'</div>' ?>

<?php echo '<h2>Upcoming events</h2><div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events-calendar/', 'strong').'</div>' ?>

Sorry ee0pdt that didn't resolve my problem, thanks for trying though


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I was having this issue after installing the I18N plugin. To resolve I just removed and re-installed the events plugin.

st8ofmindz79 Wrote:I would like to second this post.
linden Wrote:Anyone else experienced problems with deleting or editing a posted event? i seem to be able to edit just the same day i posted it. But later on if i go back to that date and want to edit or change so i am not able to get that event again. should popup in the menu right? but it doesnt.
I too have this problem and am going to look at it, but would love any direction or ideas around what the issue may be.

Thanks for the plugin Sam!
Maybe it's just me, but it would be great if I could include a tag like (% evens %) in page-text, so that this Tag could be replaced with functions like <?php echo events_list() ?>.

I tried to manipulate this by JS, but recognized that it doens't help to include php-echos in the document after document was loaded successfully ^^
nik Wrote:Maybe it's just me, but it would be great if I could include a tag like (% evens %) in page-text, so that this Tag could be replaced with functions like <?php echo events_list() ?>.

I tried to manipulate this by JS, but recognized that it doens't help to include php-echos in the document after document was loaded successfully ^^
Until the author adds this functionality, perhaps you'd be interested in using DynPages for this particular problem? If you create a component with the name 'events' that houses the php code you that you want, you could then use the placeholder {% events %} in the page-text to successfully output it on the page.

*note* the name of your component and the name in the placeholder are case-sensitive last I checked, so they'd need to be identical - its easiest just to keep everything lowercase.
I've installed the events plugin on both my test server and production servers. All fine except, on the production server the date formatting is incorrect.

I have a list of events on the landing page which display fine on my test site
21st May 2012
Meeting announcement
23rd May 2012
And again
28th May 2012

BUT on the production site this becomes:
%#d May 2012
Meeting Announcement
And again

This is replicated everywhere the events module displays dates - but only on the production site.

Any ideas why
(a) the formatting is incorrect
(b) the module bunches the events around the month rather than the correct day

I'm assuming both are connected, you can't sort on %#d .. !

Any help gratefully received.

OK, I sorted that one ... - host server did not like the %#d parameter for retrieving two digit dates, preferring the usual %d (PHP manual says the first is for Win servers but my test Linux box displayed them OK ...

Now ... second issue:

CKEditor is enabled and available in the Pages menu but not in the events panel. Where has it gone ..?
Hi folks,
Can anyone give me a steer? the CKEditor is not appearing for the event description field. it is there for the page creation so I now it is enabled within the admin control panel but for adding a new event I only get a plain textarea entry box. (see attached)
What can I do to enable this?
shumphreys Wrote:Hi folks,
Can anyone give me a steer? the CKEditor is not appearing for the event description field. it is there for the page creation so I now it is enabled within the admin control panel but for adding a new event I only get a plain textarea entry box. (see attached)
What can I do to enable this?

I've still not found the reason for this. why will the WYSIWIG editor appear for page creation, but not for the events page. Other plugins such as News Manager also have a WYSIWIG editor ...

I cannot even enter HTML into the editor in the events plugin ... really frustrating as I've got a lot of users depending on this Sad
Works great, however i get the following error in the admin panel:
undefined index: id in /plugins/events.php on line 171

Anyone know why, or how to solve it?
Hi, I'm able to set the language to Swedish, but the characters å, ä and ö (Å Ä Ö) shows up as question marks. Any suggestions of how I could encode this in UTF-8?

GS is completely in UTF-8

Check that your browsers is set to UTF-8 as well
Check that the content-type of your theme is set to UTF-8
[url] <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />[/url]

Clear the cache and reload the site

Cheers, Connie

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Thank you for the response. Those things are however in place. It's only this events plugin that is displaying improperly.
Connie Wrote:hannes,

GS is completely in UTF-8

Check that your browsers is set to UTF-8 as well
Check that the content-type of your theme is set to UTF-8
[url] <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />[/url]

Clear the cache and reload the site

Cheers, Connie
hannesr Wrote:Thank you for the response. Those things are however in place. It's only this events plugin that is displaying improperly.
Connie Wrote:hannes,

GS is completely in UTF-8

Check that your browsers is set to UTF-8 as well
Check that the content-type of your theme is set to UTF-8
[url] <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" />[/url]

Clear the cache and reload the site

Cheers, Connie

By solving this issue, you can try set the following in gsconfig.php:
setLocale(LC_ALL, 'sv_SE.UTF-8', 'sv_SE.utf8', 'sv_SE', 'swedish.utf8', 'swedish', 'sv');
tested with Plugin Version 2.1j and GS 3.2


CKEDITOR is not fired, empty textarea instead

input is not UTF-8, even with a complete locale-definition in gsconfig.php

I really need a working calendar- or events-plugin (calendar masks HTML-code..., etc.)

is there a working calendar- or event-plugin for GS 3.2 ?? Huh

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
(2011-11-10, 03:11:15)dougrdotnet Wrote:
patriotmedia Wrote:Hey guys... has anyone in the US been able to successfully change the dates to MM/DD/YYYY or Month Date, Year across this plugin?

see PHP: date - Manual for format characters.

For example, the following line 638 in events.php:
$date_formatted = gmstrftime('%d %B %Y', $event_date);
Can be modified to:
$date_formatted = gmstrftime('%m/%d/%Y', $event_date);
Which will render in MM/DD/YYYY format (e.g. 11/12/2011) in the event list. You would use '%y' (lower case) to represent a 2 digit year format to render MM/DD/YY.

How about a way to display the time in the event description as xx:xx AM or xx:xx PM?

I'm having a couple of issues with the plugin.

1. When I try and include a photo in the content of the event, the photo always appears as a broken link. The photo is on my web server but it won't display. I've tried creating the HTML code and uploading it in the events.xml file and it still won't display. It worked before, because...

2. ...Because, in older events, the photo displays. However, when I try to go into those older events (or any event which has a photo included), it locks up the page in admin in Google Chrome. It will load in Firefox, however.

I'm having other Events-related issues, but I'm not sure they're because of the plugin, including:

1. We have a ticker that runs along the bottom of the website scrolling different events. The ticker is showing old events from last year instead of only future events.

2. We have a Scrapbook page which should function as a repository of old events sorted by year. However, it doesn't sort old events chronologically. And, oddly enough, the events that won't show those pictures on the Scrapbook page.

Weird stuff...
A follow up to my post.

Re: the old events showing in the ticker, I was able to fix that by putting some code in the PHP file.

New question...

Is there any way to show the time for an event as 1 through 12, AM or PM, instead of European/military time?
(2012-01-13, 04:24:51)riche Wrote:
ee0pdt Wrote:Riche:

Your code is pointing to the wrong page, the links in the events list point to the page "events", but they should point to "events-calendar" to work.

change this line:
<?php echo '<h2>Upcoming events</h2><div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events/', 'strong').'</div>' ?>

<?php echo '<h2>Upcoming events</h2><div class="feature">'.upcoming_events($SITEURL.'events-calendar/', 'strong').'</div>' ?>

Sorry ee0pdt that didn't resolve my problem, thanks for trying though



Hi Riche,

I am having the same issue, did you ever manage to resolve it?


When I add photos to an event, the photos are being replaced with \"\". Any idea as to why this is happening?
(2012-07-31, 00:31:54)pierre Wrote: By solving this issue, you can try set the following in gsconfig.php:
setLocale(LC_ALL, 'sv_SE.UTF-8', 'sv_SE.utf8', 'sv_SE', 'swedish.utf8', 'swedish', 'sv');

This work fot italian to :

setLocale(LC_ALL, 'it_IT.UTF-8', 'it_IT.utf8', 'it_IT', 'italian.utf8', 'italian', 'it');

remember to remove # before setLocale in gsconfig.php

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