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VuduNews: News manager plugin
Hello, here is my first plugin.
I know there is another similar plugin, but this one allows you to edit inserted news.

It has been tested on a 2.02_RC1 version of GetSimple. Hope it works in others.

Any comment is welcome.

ADVICE: this plugin is not continued. Check out nSys is by the way better than mine, so I recommend to use it.
This is better, but the pictures are also not insertedSmile
Looks good.

Just wondering if you plan is to expand on it or is it right where you want it.

I have been using [url=""/]NewsOffice[/url] and [url=""/]Winged Info News System[/url] for Get Simple CMS projects.

A simple news plug in is cool, but a news plug in with more features would be great.

Features like...
  • summary/read more
  • editing dates
  • categories
  • tags
  • latest news

Just thinking out loud.

Thanks for the hard work.

Also in this plugin is the problem of colors not seen the texts. Not working also the size of the text and the images are not seen. This happens in frontend, because in backend the ckeditor in VuduNews shows me all changes to the text, makes me put the image, but when I save and go see the frontend of the site, everything I own in the news is not seen.
In practice, does the text entry, but when you save the nes all customizations to the text and insert image does not work.

What I do not understand is this. If I create a new page and I use the simple get ckeditor everything works .. the colors work, does the size of the text, images work .... short .. everything works! ... but in the plugin (which is VuduNews News), it seems that ckeditor has problems, because when you save the news backend, all customization made to the text and insert images, not seen in frontend, why? ... Who can understand this problem? .. , and how to solve?

The only problem is you need to include in ckeditor the "Browse" button that allows you to insert the image .. otherwise it is impossible to enter the full URL each time ... who knows how to put this button in ckeditor?
Well, you can fix, as did Carlos
...but the plugin VUDU have code different ... where I post carlos tring in the file wudu_news.php??
this news can be edited

somehow to combine the two plug
how could change the VuduNews to get the same results as news plugin?
A quick patch:

edit vudu_news/vudu_changedata.php, REPLACE line 41 by:
if(isset($_POST['post-content'])) { $content = htmlentities(stripslashes($_POST['post-content']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); }

Do this ONLY if you have problems with displayed content.

Note that previously created news items will still not be displayed correctly -- you'll have to edit and fix them.
For some reason after adding news is changing their order
Some comments for pauloc...

Although this plugin has no restore option, news item backups are being saved to GetSimple's /backups folder, just like they were GS pages. You can even restore them, but then they become a regular page. :-)

I don't know if you plan to support news backups. If so, I suggest storing them in a different folder to avoid conflicts with GS's own pages. If not, that backup code should be left out for the same reason.


Anyway, it seems like you've done this plugin with magic quotes disabled (I presume you have PHP 5.3). It suggest you also test it with that option enabled, as most people (using PHP 5.2) have it that way (like Oleg06 and Mygetsimple)
You are right about backups, Carlos. I've removed by now this... er, uhm... feature?
I've also patched "vudu_changedata.php" with your solution.

Oleg06, the vudu_news are supposed to be shown by date order, last introduced, first shown. Does this make sense?

Thanks everybody for your comments, I'll try make improvements if I have time enough.
One question, given the difficulty each time insert images using the button image ckeditor. Is there a way to insert a "Browse" button inside the image window that allows you to click directly from the server and not always insert the code manually?
Working great!...thank you for this plugin.

How do i get the name of the month to be in a different language? like swedish Smile

Hello maxpop, check line 53 of vudu_news.php for the language code. May be you have to download a language file from jquery's ui website.

mygetsimple, what you ask for must be impremented through GetSimple core, because it's in CKeditor's configuration, in file admin/edit.php, around line 300. You could add "filebrowserBrowseUrl" property and check for a file manager of your convenience. I've been fighting against/with this one and after some configuration headaches had made it work:

Good luck.
hello and thanks,
You're very kind. I wondered, since you are an expert in code, if you could implement the button "browse" for images. Yes this would be a great contribution, because people who want to insert pictures are many, but nobody understands and url address, and whenever you need to enter the file path on the server for it to be incorporated. I wonder if there is a programmer with a sensitive heart, who understands the needs of the people. We are not all programmers or experts .. We ask for this help to you experts. I hope someone creates this change in ckeditor so will insert images simply by invoking the "Browse" button.
Hi and thx, not working...

Its the output that says May instead of what i want "Maj" or Oct/Okt...

Anyone else??

pauloc Wrote:Hello maxpop, check line 53 of vudu_news.php for the language code. May be you have to download a language file from jquery's ui website.

mygetsimple, what you ask for must be impremented through GetSimple core, because it's in CKeditor's configuration, in file admin/edit.php, around line 300. You could add "filebrowserBrowseUrl" property and check for a file manager of your convenience. I've been fighting against/with this one and after some configuration headaches had made it work:

Good luck.
You might want to set the right language for PHP using setlocale(). That can tell the server to output date() results in a different language.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!
maxpop, goto to and download your language file and put it in /plugins/vudu_news/js/ folder.
Then edit vudu_news.php and add this line after line 49:
echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$this_plug_path.'js/jquery.ui.datepicker-XX.js" ></script>'."\n";

Change "jquery.ui.datepicker-XX.js" to your language code (sv in your case), or better, to your downloaded file name.
Thanks for your answer, Zegnåt, but I think it's more about jquery-ui implementation than php's locale.
Hope, my previous post solves this issue, if not, I'll keep looking for a solution.

Localization is a challenger for me because people here, in Basque Country, speaks almost two languages and most of our web developments must be done in the two official languages. One of the most important deficiencies of GetSimple, for me, is its lack of multilingual content management.

I hope we can solve it and make this little CMS jewel as simple and great as it should be 8-)
And to mygetsimple, have you try this post's solution?
It's quite easy to implement and solves your problem fairly.

Hope this helps.
thanks, but I've already tried this and it does not work. I hope that someone may have the same need, namely to insert images as in all the CMS, a simple button "browse", without always having to put the whole path to the image.
mygetsimple, check this out, hope it works:
hello .. GREAT .. Now the button "browse" function! .... But only in the pages of content. The button "browse" not see ( and not function) in to plugin "Vudu News", why ?

Thank you very much
Because the same change will have to be done in the VuduNews plugin’s CKEditor. Look through the VuduNews plugin files for the lines mentioned there and edit them the same way to get the browse button in there as well.
“Don’t forget the important ˚ (not °) on the a,” says the Unicode lover.
Help us test a key change for the core! ¶ Problems with GetSimple? Be sure to enable debug mode!

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