(2016-06-08, 12:23:05).webservsol Wrote: The theme on CloudLinux Server always causing Resource Limit Is Reached
Can't understand and locate the reason behind that to resolve the issue.
Any help please?
I did tests this theme many times on a variety of systems and servers, from localhost (XAMPP for Windows) on the weak PC (Core2Duo + 4GB RAM); to on the free and on the paid real web servers. With no problems!!!
All my projects LIVE sites works on one paid account on the Hostinger server without resource limits. By server statistic Apache traffic was not higher than 800 MB per day (total for all 4 projects sites).
As far as I know others who have install this theme has not such problems.
So, the most likely problem is in the same server or its configuration.
I don't have an account on this server so I can not give you more help.
May be advice - try another server.
Good luck.
Hello @asemion !
First of all, I want to thank you for your great theme. It will help me a lot
However I have a problem. Dropdown menus work like charm with i18n plugin but I don't really know how to add language options to menu just like you did on your theme demo website with flag icons. Do I need to install another plugin for that?
Thank you very much
(2016-06-22, 21:05:11)barknezz Wrote: Hello @asemion !
First of all, I want to thank you for your great theme. It will help me a lot
However I have a problem. Dropdown menus work like charm with i18n plugin but I don't really know how to add language options to menu just like you did on your theme demo website with flag icons. Do I need to install another plugin for that?
Thank you very much
Hi, barknezz.
Thank you for choosing my theme.
If you want to add language menu like on my site you must install my plugin i18n_lang_menu.
Just now I make changes to this plugin - so it's now ver. 0.6
You can read more about this plugin and download latest version from my Demo Evolve site:
Fixed issue on the single language sites if default language is not "en_US". You can define the desired language on the Theme settings page.
Improved all carousels components code (Camera gallery, Customers, Partners, Portfolio). Now you can insert on the same page as many of the same kinds carousels elements as needed. Camera gallery can show slide title which is taken from the image ALT field. Required this components re-import.
In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Google Maps APIs key". Because Google changed Maps API authentication and usage limits. From now for usage with localhosts and new domains an API key is required.
(2016-08-03, 23:08:53)asemion Wrote: Version updated to v. 0.3
Fixed issue on the single language sites if default language is not "en_US". You can define the desired language on the Theme settings page.
Improved all carousels components code (Camera gallery, Customers, Partners, Portfolio). Now you can insert on the same page as many of the same kinds carousels elements as needed. Camera gallery can show slide title which is taken from the image ALT field. Required this components re-import.
In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Google Maps APIs key". Because Google changed Maps API authentication and usage limits. From now for usage with localhosts and new domains an API key is required.
Hi, Love what your theme seems to do. Have tried to download from both get simple and your site and am having windows defender report a trojan/virus in the zip.
(2016-08-18, 16:19:23)lobster.boy Wrote: Hi, Love what your theme seems to do. Have tried to download from both get simple and your site and am having windows defender report a trojan/virus in the zip.
Please advise.
Just right now I download a new theme version 0.3 from GS Extend and also from my site.
I checked the archive file with 2 antivirus software with newest updates installed:
1. Avast antivirus - no threads found!
2. Symantec EndPoint Protection (12.1.6318.6100) - Files scanned: 303 Risks found: 0!
So theme installation have no problem.
Windows Defender is not the best anti-virus program with which need to check the viruses. Because where there are no problems it has caused alarm, but certain viruses is commonly do not see. Windows defender efficiency only 80%.
2016-08-29, 23:21:47 (This post was last modified: 2016-08-29, 23:24:37 by asemion.)
(2016-08-27, 22:23:55)shivprasd Wrote: My Question is >> In contact form of contact page, when a user submits a mail, to which email Id the mail will be sent?
Contact form in both themes Evolve and Red Agency for mail sending use simple_c_default_email() function which is described in the theme functions.php file. This function send e-mail to the main site administrator address (by default).
If you need to set up a custom e-mail sending address which is easily be replaced than you can do follows:
Open theme contact.php (or contact_with_gmap.php) file for editing, find and comment this line (on top): //$e_mail = simple_c_default_email();
add new line like this: $e_mail = get_page_meta_desc(false); Go to the tab "Pages" and open "Contact" page and enter required e-mail address to the field "Meta description". Save changes.
Now you can use address which are written in the page "Contact" "Meta description" field.
Also with this method you can set different e-mail address for different language page (if you use multilingual structure).
(2016-08-27, 22:23:55)shivprasd Wrote: My Question is >> In contact form of contact page, when a user submits a mail, to which email Id the mail will be sent?
Contact form in both themes Evolve and Red Agency for mail sending use simple_c_default_email() function which is described in the theme functions.php file. This function send e-mail to the main site administrator address (by default).
If you need to set up a custom e-mail sending address which is easily be replaced than you can do follows:
Open theme contact.php (or contact_with_gmap.php) file for editing, find and comment this line (on top): //$e_mail = simple_c_default_email();
add new line like this: $e_mail = get_page_meta_desc(false); Go to the tab "Pages" and open "Contact" page and enter required e-mail address to the field "Meta description". Save changes.
Now you can use address which are written in the page "Contact" "Meta description" field.
Also with this method you can set different e-mail address for different language page (if you use multilingual structure).
hi asemion Thanks for the reply,
i ve followed the steps as mentioned above, but still mail is not delivered to my mail id mentioned in "Meta description" filed in contact page.
screenshots are attached
do the needful
(2016-09-01, 22:09:47)shivprasd Wrote: hi asemion Thanks for the reply,
i ve followed the steps as mentioned above, but still mail is not delivered to my mail id mentioned in "Meta description" filed in contact page.
screenshots are attached
do the needful
Hi, shivprasd.
Now I tried to send e-mail entered in the "Meta description" field from Evolve Contact form.
And for me everything was successful. I give confirmation message "Success! Your message has been sent" after sending. And I got an email to the address specified.
If on the delivery time you do not get any error message (on the Contact form page) - hence the letter was sent successfully and you have to get Success confirmation.
In the other hand you can not get email if GMAIL set this mail as SPAM.
Or if you use localhost server (XAMPP or WAMP) - first you must configure this host for email sending.
does GS Evolve Theme compatible with Internet Explorer?
Demo site at http://pigios-svetaines.eu/projects/evolve/themes/gs-evolve/ seems to be not compatible too.
Have you any workaround to solve the problem?
(2017-01-27, 01:19:21)gaetanoc Wrote: does GS Evolve Theme compatible with Internet Explorer?
Demo site at http://pigios-svetaines.eu/projects/evolve/themes/gs-evolve/ seems to be not compatible too.
Have you any workaround to solve the problem?
I am checking Evolve theme in the Internet Explorer ver. 11
All elements and futures works properly (except bullets position in the main Slideshow).
What specifically does not work for you and what version of Internet Explorer you are using?
(2017-03-01, 20:18:16)The_Shopkeeper Wrote: The right hand menu isn't solid from top to bottom, and the top menu covers the first few menu items.
I have the parallax affect on.
Is this a bug in the code or just my installation?
It looks fine on the demo version of the theme.
Hello, Shopkeeper.
Thank you for using my theme.
As you correctly point out on my website mobile menu works properly as far as I know, and also to others.
So probably problem is on your side.
It's difficult to say exactly what is wrong and in what place just by looking at your screenshot.
If you need help at least provide your site URL.
Fixed issue and imroved Mobile menu (jPanelMenu). Now it use jPanelMenu script ver. 1.4.1. Adjust all the resources that use this script. You can use two types of the Mobile menu appearance themes: light (sets by default) and dark. If you want to switch to dark theme check "Use a dark theme for mobile menu" field on the theme settings page. You can make more detailed jPanelMenu settings in the file: /Evolve/scripts/custom.js (see section: "03 Mobile Navigation").
In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Use minimized CSS file versions". If it checked theme uses only minimized CSS files. Also minify all Javascript files for improve bandwidth.
Improved Footer elements appearance. For this in the Theme settings page insert 3 management fields: "Show all contact information in the Footer bar" (if checked all contact info lines will be shown); "Show contact information labels in the Footer bar" (if checked next to the icon will be shown it's label); "Footer icons size with size units value" (now you can set Footer icons size).
Improved Contact form e-mail address determination. Now you can set the email addresses in two ways. If on the Contact Page in the field "Meta Description" entered valid e-mail address then will use it. If mentioned field is empty or do not have valid e-mail address then will be used site admin address. This improvement allows you to use different e-mail addreses for different Contact Pages (in different language).
In the Theme settings page insert a new management field "Site Logo". Now you can change default Logo image to your own. If on your site installed plugin Responsive FileManager next to the input field will appear "Browse" button with which you can select an image on the server.
You can download full installation from GS Extend. Or small file (only updated files from my site):
(2017-03-04, 00:10:13)asemion Wrote: Version updated to v. 0.4
You can download full installation from GS Extend. Or small file (only updated files from my site):
That has addressed the problem i was seeing.
Thank you so much for releasing probably the best theme on GS, and for supporting it beyond its release.
Top marks, and you've made my Christmas card list.
Add Auto-suggestion mechanism - it's begin to work when input 3 or more characters. Output displayed in the special DIV like Page Title with link to this page.
Improved Search page provided information: On top displayed searched keywords; Removed short-codes and illegal characters; Improved text Excerpt mechanism.
To the upper right Search field add submit button and Clear button for mobile users convenience.
In the Theme settings page insert a new management area "Search settings" which has 5 fields:
Always use internal Search function - if checked will be used Internal Search function, even if on site is installed "i18n_search" plugin.
Turn on Auto-suggestion Search - (turn on / off Auto-suggestion).
Search the keywords in the 'Meta' fields - (if checked search try to find also in the "Tags & Keywords" and "Meta Description" fields).
Open the found page in a new tab - (if checked found link will be opened in the new Tab).
Search Page excerpt size (in symbols) - you can change Excerpt value, if empty used default value 200 characters.
To the style-sheet add 'subscript' and 'superscript' definitions. You can use structures: <sub></sub> and <sup></sup>. Or klasses: "subscript" and "superscript".
(2019-05-07, 04:30:12)animas Wrote: Thanks for the fantastic theme.
I am facing 2 issues:
1. I removed "Camera Photo Gallery" from Theme Settings > Components Import. But it does not go away. How to remove this section?
2. Tagline is shown inside expanded footer in addition to Tagline area at top. How to remove Tagline from Footer?
1. You remove Camera Photo Gallery Component. But, if you use my Demo HTML structure then you need also remove section HTML code and DynPages component call. For this go to the tab "Pages" modify index.php file, on the CKEditor click button "Source" and delete this code: <hr class="sep80" />
2. For Footer there is settings area on theme admin - "Footer appearance". If this settings not fully suitable for you then manually modify themes footer.inc.php file.