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Website archive fails
I was successful in making a website archive via admin panel on December 30, and have changed no settings in site, browser, computer, or anything else I can think of that might have an impact - simply added content to the pages and uploaded some files. Today, however, when trying to do an archive, after a few seconds I'm taken to a blank page with URL string of apparently random characters, and FTP shows no new zip in my zip folder.
Any thoughts on what might be going on here?
Can you please turn on debug mode via the configuration file in the root of your GS install and report back what errors if any are being generated when you attempt to create an archive?

JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
I presume one turns on debug by uncommenting that 'define('GSDEBUG', TRUE);' line?
No error message yet - it's just been churning away for about 5 minutes now, waiting for the site to respond. Probably a web host issue? I'll try again tomorrow and report back...
Thanks much, Matthew - I appreciate your support. Smile
on my server the same thing happens
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 76283904) (tried to allocate 25343883 bytes) in /home/cp068800/public_html/ on line 146
Oleg06: With out any research or trying to re-create this error, it appears you are simply out of storage on your host.

Rjleaman: you are corect about debug mode, sorry for the lack of specifics. All you need to do is removed the "#" sign in front of "define('GSDEBUG', TRUE);" to activate debug mode.
JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
Okay, now I'm getting basically the same error as Oleg06 did:
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 67633152) (tried to allocate 24399200 bytes) in /home/subdomain/admin/inc/zip.class.php on line 146

This domain has been hosted on my reseller account since 2008 with no 'out of memory' errors before now. I just checked quota and there should be plenty of both storage space (using 277M of 1000M) and bandwidth (using 3%) to spare. Would it make a difference that GS is installed on a subdomain?
Also getting this with version 2.03

Will log a ticket and investigate.

My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute
n00dles101 Wrote:Also getting this with version 2.03

Will log a ticket and investigate.



Any word on this?

I just tried again to make a backup (prior to upgrading to 3.0) and the Web Archive function is still failing for me: goes to the blank screen, same error
Quote:Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 67895296) (tried to allocate 29200408 bytes) in .../admin/inc/zip.class.php on line 146

For backup so that I can upgrade, would it suffice to use FTP and just zip all the contents of my site, then unzip back into the same place if there's a problem with the upgrade to 3.0?
which version?

Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum:
Connie Wrote:which version?
version 2.03
Please update to versoion 3.0 and see if your problems are solved.

JWH Technologies
Have any marketing ideas for Get-Simple? Let me hear them!
OWS_Matthew Wrote:Please update to versoion 3.0 and see if your problems are solved.


Thanks for getting back to me so fast.

edited: Yes, hurrah - the issue is gone in 3.0.
Haven't tried to make sure the web archive will actually work if I need it, but at least I can make one now. Smile

I <3 GetSimple CMS.

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