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GetSimple Blog
i installed dynpages successfully - i use it on a blog page for blog posts of one certain category (as described in this forum on page 1 for user xxdex). it worked for about 30 minutes, then suddenly the page is showing all blog posts with all categories and xdebug is throwing the following errors:
[Image: xdebug-dynpages-category-page.png]
i am not sure if the errors are caused by dynpages or gs-blog. can you give me a hint on what the problem might be?
You can test it on a normal page to see if it works there.
(2017-12-06, 20:48:45)datiswous Wrote: You can test it on a normal page to see if it works there.

thanks – but also normal pages show the xdebug-errors and don't show only the selected category posts. insted, all posts -– no matter what category – are displayed. Sad
Looks like there's some error in your component code. Like a $workshop variable that has not been initialized...
(2017-12-07, 02:22:03)Carlos Wrote: Looks like there's some error in your component code. Like a $workshop variable that has not been initialized...

the funny thing is: it worked at first. then after some minutes and out of the blue (i had not edited anything in the plugin settings, scripts,...) the errors came up and the posts were shown no matter what category.
what could i do? reinstall the plugin and all its referring data xml files?
(2017-11-24, 01:31:14)johnstray2001 Wrote: @pigsound: I'm not sure if I can help with this. I can't seem to find anything that could be causing the issues your having. If anyone else has any ideas, please feel free to make some suggestions...

Hi John, I'm having the same problem (I think). The DATE_DISPLAY in /gs-blog/lang/en_US.php is set to '%B %e, %Y' - this formatting only seems to apply to the main blog, not when using show_blog_recent_posts. This is what I see in recent posts: 2017-11-26 10:28:34. I've read every comment on this forum at least a half-dozen times but don't see a solution. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? 

UPDATE: A few other issues I've had since originally writing this post - wondering if you can provide any insight... Sorry for all of the questions but the support website doesn't seem to have any information.

1) i18n Search - the posts aren't showing up in search results, is there a way to fix that?
2) No meta data for posts:
  • page description
  • page title (won't work with "Custom Title" plugin either)
  • og:image for social media sharing
3) Links added using ckeditor in posts don't support hierarchical URLs, I see "" instead of ""
4) Recent Post date formatting mentioned above
5) Posts aren't included in sitemap.xml
In a new installation, gs-blog.php shows in the list on the Plugin page and it can be activated. Once done, clicking on  the Blog tab causes the plugin to deactivate (crash?) and the Blog tab disappears.

Required directories are writable.

In debug mode this message is received:

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function '' not found or invalid function name in /srv/disk4/2175727/www/ on line 39
Latest version in Extend (listed as 3.4.3, though the plugin says 3.4.2) doesn't work with PHP 5.3 - crashes the site until you remove it.
With debug mode:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in [...]plugins\gs-blog.php on line 19
(2018-04-20, 07:27:56)snoozeburg Wrote: In debug mode this message is received:

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function '' not found or invalid function name in /srv/disk4/2175727/www/ on line 39

Anything on this behavior? Same happens with a MAMP installation.
Blog is working fine, but there is a problem I can't solve.
I create few categories. When blog shows all categories there are 8 posts on a page, but if I choose one category, all of posts are shown. But in some category I have 100 posts. How can I set tne number of post shown in particular category. 
Hello everybody,
I have a strange problem with this plugin. If I copy it into the required directory and then enable it in the Plugins tab everything seems OK at first glance. But it disables any other plugin which reload of the Plugins tab testifies - one other plugin is disabled. The disabled plugin cannot be enabled then till the GetSimple Blog plugin is disabled again.
I checked the file /data/other/plugins.xml and found this: every installed plugin gets its record in this file (between <item></item> tags); but if I install and enable the plugin GetSimple Blog the first record in the file is replaced by <item><plugin><![CDATA[user-managment.php]]></plugin><enabled><![CDATA[false]]></enabled></item> (with the misspelling quoted) - this way the plugin the record of which was in the first place here is disabled in user administration and cannot be enabled again (its record is no longer present in the file). The misspelling user-managment.php leads me to the file /plugins/gs-blog/inc/common.php where it says

PHP Code:
if($phpfiles[0] !== 'user-managment.php') { # Only reorder if user-managment is not first
   if(($key array_search('user-managment.php'$phpfiles)) !== false) {
   $temp = array('user-managment.php');
   $phpfiles $temp $phpfiles;

and so on but I cannot manage it further (I don't understand purpose of the condition) so I must ask for help.
The plugin is of most recent version (3.4.3) by the way.
@bensayers: I'm not sure what you mean with that... The function show_blog_recent_posts() doesn't output any date...
1. I may have to do some more extensive testing with the i18n_search plugin. I'm not too sure why they are not showing up in results.
2. Better metadata management is in the works for the next version (3.5.0). Follow GitHub Issue #104
3. I've never encountered this one before either. I will check this out and see what I can find.
5. SiteMap inclusion is a new feature in 3.5.0. Follow GitHub Issue #48

@snoozeburg: I need more information to be able to figure that php warning out. Please install xdebug and send me the stack trace.

@Carlos: Use php 5.4 or later. If for whatever reason you do need to use 5.3, you could try this workaround (not tested):
PHP Code:
# Change the following from:
Line 19define('BLOGLANGUAGE'$languageValues[0]);

# To:
Line 19$bloglang $languageValues[0];
Line 20define('BLOGLANGUAGE'$bloglang);

# Alternate Option (if above still doesnt work):
Line 19define('BLOGLANGUAGE''en-US'); 

@lotova: This has already been fixed in the next version (3.5.0 beta). Refer GitHub Issue #116. Download the GitHub Repo and install the blog from there.
Check out my website:
Version 3.4.4 is now available on Extend
This version includes the following changes:

This is an interim bugfix release just to address the few known bugs that currently exist from the previous version, allowing for successful use of the plugin until such time the next major release becomes available.

Bug Fixes:
  • [#109] Fixed class constructor after previous rewrite. Fixes the message 'Blog Settings Successfully Saved!' Message always being displayed.
  • [#115] Fixed alignment of input field boxes in the metadata section of the post editor.
  • [#117] Hide tags when there are no tags attached to a post.
  • [#119] Removed some unused variable declarations.
  • [#122] Fixed incorrect double slash in GSBlog->listPosts function.
  • [#125] Unpublished posts (dated in the future) could not be viewed when accessed directly for previewing.
  • [#131] Fixed trailing comma showing at the end of the list of tags.
  • [#132] Fixed PHP parse errors for improper method of accessing array element.
  • [#133] Fixed CKEditor triggered twice on Post Editor page.
  • [#135] Fixed Incorrect values used in html input/label tag attributes, causing the `blogurl` setting not to save.
  • [#138] Fixed PHP fatal error: Using string offset as an array in customFields.php

Back End (Admin) Changes:
  • [#128] Created a more uniform method of displaying success/error messages that prevents displaying on the frontend.
  • [#116] Dropped support for old UserManagement plugin

WARNING: This release drops support for the Multi User plugin, because it's too old, appears to have been abandoned, and has too many bugs to be compatible. If you are actively using that plugin in combination with this plugin, all permissions relating to GSBlog will no longer apply and all users will have full control. If you'd like to update but retain support for Multi User, please review commit 692f7ea and revert those changes (This will not be supported).
Check out my website:
Hi everybody,
How to add viber in share section?
Hi johnstray2001,

GS-Blog is great.

Is it possible to extend the function "show_blog_recent_posts" with a parameter  "category"?

This would be fine,cause i want to show only the recent posts of a specified category

Best regars
@Lazy-Crocodile: This can be archived using the function `return_blog_category('categoryname');`. This will return an array of posts from the given category that you can then loop over and display the posts how you wish.

For example:
PHP Code:
foreach ( return_blog_category'Category Name' ) as $slug => $filename ) {
getXML$filename );
= (string) $post->title;
   $author = (string) $post->author;
   $date stringtotime($post->date);
   $content html_entity_decode$post->content );

   // Want to limit to a specific date range?
   // Check if this post falls within the date range using UNIX timestamps.
   if $date 1546300800 || $date 1548979199 ) { # Jan 1, 2019 to Jan 31, 2019
       echo "<li>" $title "<li>";
// If filtering by date above, remove the following line
   echo "<li>" $title "</li>";

Check out my website:
@ragou: Modify the file "layout-list.php" to include the code block for the Viber share widget. This will add the widget to every post.
Check out my website:

first thank you very much for this Plugin!!!

But i have one problem mit the german special characters like ä ö ü in the date function.
Can you help me please?

I get this in frontend and backend am M�rz 7, 2019
I use this snippet in template show_blog_recent_posts(null, null, null, null) to show post title, but how to show post title from specifig gategory and only one post title and/or latest post title?.
Hi Rihanna, here an Example. I hope this helps: 

function GetTeamNews($showallgroups=false)
if  (return_special_field('blog')=="" && ! $showallgroups)return;
$result =  return_blog_category( return_special_field('blog'));

echo '<div class="row">';
foreach ($result as $slug => $filename ) 
if ($cnt<1 || ($showallgroups && $cnt <> 5))
echo "<div class='col-lg-6 col-sm-12'>";
//print_r( getXML( $filename['filename']));
$post = getXML( $filename['filename']);
$title = (string) $post->title;
$author = (string) $post->author;

$date = strtotime($post->date);
$content = html_entity_decode( $post->content );
$team =$showallgroups?"$post->category: ":"";
echo "<h4>$team $title<span style='font-size:80%;'><br>vom ".date('d.m.Y', $date)."</h4>";
if ($post->thumbnail !="")
echo "<a href ='/index.php?id=news&post=$post->slug'><img src='/data/uploads/$post->thumbnail' style='float:right; padding-left:2em;padding-bottom:2em;width:50%; '/></a>";
if ($showallgroups )
$article = explode("</p>",$content);
echo $article[0]."</p>";
echo $article[1]."</p>";
echo "<p><a href ='/index.php?id=news&post=$post->slug'>weiterlesen ...</a></p>";
echo $content;
echo "</div>\n";
if ($cnt %2 ==0)
echo "</div>\n<div class='row'>\n";

echo '<div class="row">';

Seem to be somewhat brain dead with getting this to work on my site....

Installed the blog, works great but code
<?php show_blog_categories(); ?>
only works in sidebar.

Is there a way to get it to work on a page???

You use a component for the sidebar? Did you try to to put it in a component and place the component on the page via Dynpages plugin?
See here:
There might be an easier solution, I didn't read all the posts and the documentation on GitHub is somewhat lacking.
Edit: See also the following 2 posts for an alternative method:
(2014-05-16, 08:21:21)johnstray2001 Wrote: xxdex,
This can be done reasonably easily.

You will first need to install the DynPages plugin from Extend.
After you have installed it and activated it on the plugins tab, create a new component and in it type the following:

Component? Sorry, not very good at php etc.


ps...found out about the component, thanks for the help, it did work...
Is it possible to add pagination to archive ,tag and category listing? In main blog page they show as set in admin but if you list posts by tag or by category or by archive all posts show and its a pretty long page when you have 150 posts.
Everything else works as expected and i really like this plugin.

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