2011-03-21, 19:42:30
hi at all.
someone can explain to me why i ever have this message :
The directory "GSROOTPATH/gallery" does not exist. It is required for this plugin to function properly. Please create it manually and make sure it is writable.
the directory exist and also the subfolder and are with all permiss corrects.
the directory is positioned so : www.*****.***/GSROOTPATH/gallery and has the 777 permiss
someone can explain to me why i ever have this message :
The directory "GSROOTPATH/gallery" does not exist. It is required for this plugin to function properly. Please create it manually and make sure it is writable.
the directory exist and also the subfolder and are with all permiss corrects.
the directory is positioned so : www.*****.***/GSROOTPATH/gallery and has the 777 permiss
I'm newbie and i search to understand this great cms.
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .
Excuse to all if i ask every time stupid questions .