2011-04-30, 01:04:49
vijay007 Wrote:i am new to website . and i have uploaded css template in my website and i need to edit those pages using getsimple. and my pages have .php extension.
Who wrote these files? Normally they don't fall from heaven, but are created .. so who is the author?
If your pages have .php-extension, who created these files?
Mostly pages are created by a web application, which one? WOrdpress, Drupal, Joomla! or another system?
why don't you use that system?
Or did you upload GS over your system and destroyed the structure?
We need more info to be of any help for you
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Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum: http://get-simple.info/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=18