2010-01-09, 15:45:17
ccagle8 Wrote:Which forum did you create? I'm not following...
It's called riotpix, I'm recoding it. The owner just kind of stopped developing on it and I took an interest in it.
Url: http://www.riotpix.com/board/read.php?forumid=644 - the new design
Url: http://www.riotpix.com/board/read.php?forumid=630 - Me posting about rewriting and such.
I accidentally deleted a file due to an editor error and I've been recoding that one file for about two days now because of work and my blog.
@internet54 thats what I was thinking about as well, however I was thinking of a simple forum like riotpix. Nothing huge like punbb.
random stuff. idk.
random stuff. idk.