2011-11-08, 08:49:41
I do not know about which template you are writing here.
You must understand that the editor creates HTML, adds some styles et.
if it is class or id, that is defined by the CSS
if it is style added directly to the element, it will be formatted like this
so: if there are conflicts with your 'CSS and the HTML-markup, show us the template + CSS which you use
your long posting tries to explain so much that it is hard to come to the point
I can not follow your discussion of a template which I do not know
I do not know about which template you are writing here.
You must understand that the editor creates HTML, adds some styles et.
if it is class or id, that is defined by the CSS
if it is style added directly to the element, it will be formatted like this
so: if there are conflicts with your 'CSS and the HTML-markup, show us the template + CSS which you use
your long posting tries to explain so much that it is hard to come to the point
I can not follow your discussion of a template which I do not know
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Das deutschsprachige GetSimple-(Unter-)Forum: http://get-simple.info/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=18