2011-11-26, 08:24:58
hi and welcome here!
Well, for sure it is done with good intention that uploaded filenames are converted to lowercase because most servers work with Linux/Apache and as that is case sensitive so are filenames
I would suggest to give it a try, comment off that command and upload images
after they are uploaded they are treated with their filenames, so I would not expect problems
an alternative for you without modifying anything would be to upload the images by FTP to the data/uploads-folder on your server, in that case the filenames stay untouched
Cheers, Connie
Well, for sure it is done with good intention that uploaded filenames are converted to lowercase because most servers work with Linux/Apache and as that is case sensitive so are filenames
I would suggest to give it a try, comment off that command and upload images
after they are uploaded they are treated with their filenames, so I would not expect problems
an alternative for you without modifying anything would be to upload the images by FTP to the data/uploads-folder on your server, in that case the filenames stay untouched
Cheers, Connie
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