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Corrupted xml files

I have to disagree that you think the caching function of 3.1 might cause memory problems with large sites.

I've just created a site with 5100 pages:

o - every page using the il8n customfields with 3 extra fields and a textarea
o - all fields have data
o - all cached

The total memory used before and after the cache array is read is:

Start memory usage: 1 mb
end memory usage: 1.5 mb

Although way beyond what GS is designed for, it can be done. Its a little sluggish on the backend creating the page cache after a page update as its got to read in each file to create pages.xml but it is usable. A lot more usable than what we had before, reading in each file per page refresh.

Front end is as responsive as ever.
My Github Repos: Github
Website: DigiMute

Messages In This Thread
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-09, 19:03:23
Corrupted xml files - by Connie - 2012-01-09, 19:50:52
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-09, 20:15:16
Corrupted xml files - by mvlcek - 2012-01-09, 20:27:07
Corrupted xml files - by n00dles101 - 2012-01-09, 21:59:00
Corrupted xml files - by mvlcek - 2012-01-09, 22:16:04
Corrupted xml files - by n00dles101 - 2012-01-09, 22:20:57
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-09, 22:38:39
Corrupted xml files - by n00dles101 - 2012-01-09, 22:42:33
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-09, 23:36:43
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-10, 02:26:22
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-10, 03:58:02
Corrupted xml files - by Ampersand - 2012-01-10, 05:17:32
Corrupted xml files - by Carlos - 2012-01-10, 05:41:38
Corrupted xml files - by yojoe - 2012-01-10, 06:39:54
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-10, 18:54:54
Corrupted xml files - by ccagle8 - 2012-01-10, 23:42:05
Corrupted xml files - by Ampersand - 2012-01-11, 04:58:30
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-11, 20:39:43
Corrupted xml files - by Ampersand - 2012-01-11, 21:03:49
Corrupted xml files - by Ampersand - 2012-01-11, 21:33:01
Corrupted xml files - by n00dles101 - 2012-01-11, 22:14:15
Corrupted xml files - by Ampersand - 2012-01-12, 20:40:20
Corrupted xml files - by blazejs - 2012-01-12, 21:51:43
Corrupted xml files - by ccagle8 - 2012-01-18, 05:03:56

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