Looking at this error: led me to draw conclusion that you pasted some special chars, which ckeditor wasn't able to process.
Most of errors you posted are related to faulty encoding.
Try to add ckeditor's "paste from word" button when you paste text or clear char encoding by processing the text through notepad2.
There's another thing: do you use norwegian php locale settings ?
Of course norwegian locale settings have to exist, but if it's a norwegian server, chances are it is already installed.
Edit: try to recreate all existing pages as new files, to get rid with char encoding problems.
And a last question: did you use ckeditor as a GS wysiwyg wditor since installation ?
Entity: line 44: parser error : Entity 'bull' not defined
Most of errors you posted are related to faulty encoding.
Try to add ckeditor's "paste from word" button when you paste text or clear char encoding by processing the text through notepad2.
There's another thing: do you use norwegian php locale settings ?
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'no_NO.UTF-8', 'no_NN.UTF-8', 'no_NB.UTF-8');
Edit: try to recreate all existing pages as new files, to get rid with char encoding problems.
And a last question: did you use ckeditor as a GS wysiwyg wditor since installation ?
Addons: blue business theme, Online Visitors, Notepad