2012-02-02, 04:45:18
This is almost exactly what I need. It's simple, user-friendly on the admin, and very basic in presentation. I like how everything is spit out as a list with no bells or whistles, leaving it all for CSS to pick up. I can't see any bugs in it (since it's so gloriously basic), but maybe a couple of improvements:
See something like www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html to see where I'm headed with the index/anchors thing.
Thanks again.
- Ordering questions and categories. (Would it be hard to install a jquery drag-n-drop or some other ordering technique?)
- Labeling/Naming each question. Automatically, maybe (ie, cat1, cat2, q1, q2)?. This could open up possibilities for tool-tips or FAQ navigation.
- WYSIWYG editor. The code attempts something, but I haven't read through it to see what's happening. Maybe that's the one bug I found...
- Index for the unfiltered getFAQ function (ie, the main FAQ page). This is where the label/name anchors could come in handy for each question.
See something like www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html to see where I'm headed with the index/anchors thing.
Thanks again.