2012-03-10, 19:44:33
Carlos Wrote:my idea was reading all *.php filenames in the plugins folder to an array and compare with $live_plugins's keys using array_diff() ... (BTW I also think the function can be optimized a bit, so that it doesn't even generate the xml data if it's not going to be written to disk.)
Well, here's the possible patch. The xml data will only be generated and written to the plugins.xml file if any .php file has been added, removed or renamed (or if a plugin is activated/deactivated in admin>Plugins)
Replace whole function create_pluginsxml() in plugin_functions.php with:
function create_pluginsxml($force=false){
global $live_plugins;
if (file_exists(GSPLUGINPATH)){
$pluginfiles = getFiles(GSPLUGINPATH);
$phpfiles = array();
foreach ($pluginfiles as $fi) {
if (lowercase(pathinfo($fi, PATHINFO_EXTENSION))=='php') {
$phpfiles[] = $fi;
if (!$force) {
$livekeys = array_keys($live_plugins);
if (count(array_diff($livekeys, $phpfiles))>0 || count(array_diff($phpfiles, $livekeys))>0) {
$force = true;
if ($force) {
$xml = @new SimpleXMLExtended('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><channel></channel>');
foreach ($phpfiles as $fi) {
$plugins = $xml->addChild('item');
$p_note = $plugins->addChild('plugin');
$p_note = $plugins->addChild('enabled');
if (isset($live_plugins[(string)$fi])){
} else {
XMLsave($xml, GSDATAOTHERPATH."plugins.xml");
Please review and test before changing anything...
(Note that I have renamed a couple variables from the original function, $components and $c_note, I suppose Mike will agree...)