And in order to make CKEditor using the default language used in GS automatically you have to use this code in edit.php (inside admin) in line 286:
as $LANG is already defined in common.php (inside admin/inc) from your settings...just operate a direct adaptation! (no need to have GSEDITORLANG or $EDLANG).
PS :
- mmm....suddenly what i write in the editor is not saved ?? anyone had that also ? (i mean after doing the changes as indicated by Manjast)
- i have found a small bug i think (in GS), i have installed 3 languages in GS, i have defined fr-FR as default languages in my settings, when i changed to en_US, it is well changed on the settings page if i go anywhere in GS i have all going back to french fr_FR, ??? this is observed on all browsers ? is GS generating a cookie for that alsor just writing in common.php ? i will empty the cache of browser and look to GS code.
<script type="text/javascript" src="template/js/ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'post-content', {
skin : 'kama',
forcePasteAsPlainText : true,
language : '<?php echo substr($LANG, 0, 2) ?>',
defaultLanguage : '<?php echo substr($LANG, 0, 2) ?>',
entities : true,
height: '<?php echo $EDHEIGHT; ?>',
as $LANG is already defined in common.php (inside admin/inc) from your settings...just operate a direct adaptation! (no need to have GSEDITORLANG or $EDLANG).
PS :
- mmm....suddenly what i write in the editor is not saved ?? anyone had that also ? (i mean after doing the changes as indicated by Manjast)
- i have found a small bug i think (in GS), i have installed 3 languages in GS, i have defined fr-FR as default languages in my settings, when i changed to en_US, it is well changed on the settings page if i go anywhere in GS i have all going back to french fr_FR, ??? this is observed on all browsers ? is GS generating a cookie for that alsor just writing in common.php ? i will empty the cache of browser and look to GS code.
Sharing is human real nature...