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CKeditor weird reformating of headline-tags
I have a weird reformatting of text at the end in certain conditions: the last word is reformated in a new tag if followed by text not in tags. I like to ask here if this is something that happens to everyone (CKeditor bug)?

Example codes:

Code should stay like this:
    Hoppala! Seite nicht gefunden</h2>
Es tut uns leid, aber die angegeben Seitenadresse scheint nicht zu existieren.

Code is reformated in WYSIWG mode to this:
    Hoppala! Seite nicht</h2>
Es tut uns leid, aber die angegeben Seitenadresse scheint nicht zu existieren.
I know the p tag or something else should be used, but I need it like that.
Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 coder. Simple JS & PHP hacker (not enough for new function coding). Build one webpage with GS (late 2012). Focusing on Theme customizing/Template files. Experience with WP.

Messages In This Thread
CKeditor weird reformating of headline-tags - by ChriS - 2012-03-18, 02:18:41

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