2012-04-05, 23:53:23
I think my template is finished, you can watch it here :
The main problem is to include I18N Gallery because this plugin is getting the url with slug (like mysite.com/index.php?id=portfolio and not in my case mysite.com/#portfolio) I resolved it by using the plugin fancybox.
Same thing with share3+/5+ plugin so I add directly share button in the template.
Yes, it's DIY. But that is suitable for my use where my page content will not change.
What do you think about it ?
special thanks to n00dles101
I can share it if someone like it
The main problem is to include I18N Gallery because this plugin is getting the url with slug (like mysite.com/index.php?id=portfolio and not in my case mysite.com/#portfolio) I resolved it by using the plugin fancybox.
Same thing with share3+/5+ plugin so I add directly share button in the template.
Yes, it's DIY. But that is suitable for my use where my page content will not change.
What do you think about it ?
special thanks to n00dles101
I can share it if someone like it