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Image resize filter
hameau Wrote:Using a copy from your svn, downloaded yesterday, 2012/06/09, on Debian + PHP 5.3.3.

As soon as Image Resize Filter is enabled, Apache crashes with an apc-error :
Cannot redeclare simple_html_dom_node in [...]plugins/ImageResizeFilter.php on line 31.

Changing the referenced include to include_once fixed it for me, but I don't know if this is the best way to do it. Apart from that, the plugin seems to work well, in my limited testing – thanks !

EDIT to add : I have just seen a debug notice :
Notice: Constant RESIZE_CACHE_FOLDER already defined in [...]plugins/ImageResizeFilter.php on line 29
This appears where the template calls get_i18n_content() and is evident on all pages.

Just moving the current line 29 outside the function declaration seems to work.

Thanks! Marcel did the work on this one and sent a pull request which is now merged.

Quote:Incidentally, do you think there should be some sort of cleaning of the resized image folder ? It doesn't take much (user) experimentation with sizes before it starts to get a bit busy. Perhaps just a manual 'Clear resized images' button somewhere ?

I added a clear cache button on the admin page in the plugins tab.

Thanks for the suggestions and help!

Messages In This Thread
Image resize filter - by will_in_wi - 2012-05-30, 09:34:59
Image resize filter - by yojoe - 2012-05-30, 20:42:02
Image resize filter - by will_in_wi - 2012-06-03, 05:57:57
Image resize filter - by will_in_wi - 2012-06-04, 09:41:39
Image resize filter - by sal - 2012-06-10, 16:49:15
Image resize filter - by hameau - 2012-06-10, 20:09:48
Image resize filter - by shawn_a - 2012-06-10, 23:25:17
Image resize filter - by will_in_wi - 2012-06-11, 05:55:04

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