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Help with Customizing Navigation Menus
mvlcek Wrote:Custom Fields converts the names to lower case, so use $item->showinnavigation.

Oh, wow. Now I just feel dumb. Thanks so much with all this assistance. Also that bug is really annoying:
michaellindahl Wrote:Another issue I have found is when I create pages to create links I now have a blank page at the /link/ location. Is there anyway to prevent this? It would be great if navigating to that page would throw a 404 error.

I think I found a bug in the custom fields area. The content overflows in the x direction. See attached image.

Updated for solution: I'm going to add the page's images via DataURIs because that keeps http requests down and allows the user to somewhat easily change them. (Uploading, managing and deleting old copies of the pngs on the server seems more of a hassle.) I'm going to use this to convert png to datauris.

I adding this below my </body>:

<style type="text/css">
$pages = return_i18n_pages();

foreach ($pages as $page) {
    $slugvar = $page['url'];
    echo '.'.$slugvar.' .page-img { background-image: url(';
    echoPageField($slugvar, homepageimageurl);
    echo '); } ';

The good news is that this works fine. However the bad news it that because it is in the HTML page the images will not be cached Sad It is not possible to call return_i18n_pages() from an external .css/.php file or at least when I try it fails and I get an error. Is there a way to call return_i18n_pages() from an external .css/.php file?

Messages In This Thread
Help with Customizing Navigation Menus - by sal - 2012-08-20, 14:10:46
Help with Customizing Navigation Menus - by sal - 2012-08-21, 16:50:33
Help with Customizing Navigation Menus - by sal - 2012-08-21, 16:57:06
Help with Customizing Navigation Menus - by sal - 2012-08-21, 17:09:13
Help with Customizing Navigation Menus - by michaellindahl - 2012-08-25, 16:25:23

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