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Remove password to Admin
ohspublishing Wrote:
Carlos Wrote:(Patch for GetSimple 3.1.2)

1. Edit admin/inc/cookie_functions.php, line 57. Just after this:
function cookie_check() {
insert this:
if (defined('GSALWAYSLOGGEDUSER')) return TRUE;

2. Edit admin/inc/common.php, line 122 (blank line). Paste this:
(just before the grab user data comment line)

These 2 changes will not affect GS's normal behaviour.

Now, to activate the 'always logged in' mode, edit your gsconfig.php and insert this somewhere (e.g. near the end of the file, before the ?>):

# Caution! Only use for testing in local environments or with alternative security measures

Change administrator to your preferred (existing) username.

To disable this, you can just remove that gsconfig setting or uncomment it by inserting a # before the define...

Carlos -

working through another problem with the removal. Everything worked great but then noticed it removed the text option on pages. You can now only use HTML as it does not give you the text option. Do you have any ideas on this? I am playing around with it now and not finding a resolve.


Carlos -

Sorry to be such a bother but I found the issue.

Change the Config in the main directory and then change the cookie functions. Keep the common.php file alone.

Messages In This Thread
Remove password to Admin - by ohspublishing - 2012-10-05, 00:04:11
Remove password to Admin - by Carlos - 2012-10-05, 10:29:45
Remove password to Admin - by ohspublishing - 2012-10-05, 17:38:16
Remove password to Admin - by Carlos - 2012-10-05, 17:53:44
Remove password to Admin - by ohspublishing - 2012-10-05, 17:58:06
Remove password to Admin - by Carlos - 2012-10-05, 23:07:57
Remove password to Admin - by ohspublishing - 2012-10-05, 23:21:08
Remove password to Admin - by ohspublishing - 2012-10-09, 18:43:52
Remove password to Admin - by ohspublishing - 2012-10-09, 18:57:59
Remove password to Admin - by Carlos - 2012-10-10, 00:31:59
Remove password to Admin - by ohspublishing - 2012-10-10, 02:02:08
Remove password to Admin - by Carlos - 2012-10-10, 17:29:25

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