2010-03-04, 23:36:22
I just wanted to write a top-level plugin which should appear top-level (sry, but the documentation is complicated, the interfaces of register_plugin is not documented: what does $type and $loaddata do?) but, back to the "problem".
adds a new tab in the following way (see plugin_functions.php)
if i select the 'plugins' tab now, the tab for my plugin is highlighted, too.
style.css, line 61 says:
what should i modify to be sure that not the "Plugins" tab and the "My Plugin" tab gets highlighted at the same time?
add_action('nav-tab', 'createNavTab', array('myplugin.php','My Plugin'));
adds a new tab in the following way (see plugin_functions.php)
<li><a href='myplugin.php' class='plugins' />My Plugin</a></li>
if i select the 'plugins' tab now, the tab for my plugin is highlighted, too.
style.css, line 61 says:
... #plugins .wrapper .nav li a.plugins ... { background: #F9F9F9 none repeat scroll 0 0; }
what should i modify to be sure that not the "Plugins" tab and the "My Plugin" tab gets highlighted at the same time?